
<p>Hey, NJBama - we’re all Bama folk now, brainless or not lol. I’m hoping the Bama community is as diverse as CC world.</p>

<p>Obama bamboozled a lot of people with his sophistry in 2008, especially young voters. I don’t think that because UA was “Obama Country” it is necessarily liberal.</p>

<p>“Show me a young Conservative and I’ll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I’ll show you someone with no brains.”
— Winston S. Churchill</p>

<p>I was conservative when I was young, and now more liberal as I have aged! So I am like the scarecrow and the tin man, heartless and brainless.</p>

<p>Mid-life crisis? You’ll be back.</p>

<p>If I live to be 106, yes, that must be it!</p>