<p>For current U-M students:
What do you know now that you wish you had known BEFORE starting college? Academically, socially, etc.</p>
<p>that it’s tough to get good grades in the math/science classes. And it’s very important to know when you need help and reach out to other people for help.</p>
<p>I wish that someone had told me that the amount of reading would be about 200 pages a week, or even more for the humanities/social science classes.</p>
<p>Start early on homework assignments, start studying early for exams. </p>
<p>It only takes one bad exam (usually out of three) to pull down a grade.</p>
<p>It isn’t that difficult to do well if you put in the time. Since grades are usually based on a combination of homework, projects, exams, etc. get as many points as possible on everything. A lot of people blow off homework if it is only 10% of the grade or so. Recently in my signals and systems, I saw on the gradesheet there was a kid who did awesome on the first exam, beat the average on the second, but didn’t do any of the homeworks that made up 10% of the grade and wasn’t very good with the labs that made another 15% either. What could have been an A probably end up a C.</p>
<p>Wow. I’m scared. </p>
<p>I’ve already told myself that when I go off to college, I’ll work myself to the death. (academically + extraccurricular wise)</p>
<p>You don’t have to work yourself to death! Its not impossible here, work smart and take help when you need it. There are so many awesome resources here.</p>
<p>Its a great place to be in, so don’t neglect your social life :)</p>
<p>my advice… not really, but anyway.
sometimes you just have to get lucky.</p>
<p>Its hard to get a grasp from your advice of the difficulty. I go to a college prep Jesuit high school that the C to B student can make deans list with ease at colleges such as OSU, and Ohio U. Can we get what your background/ how much high school prepared you and your oppinion of how difficult it is?</p>