<p>takeme2cali - Bridesmaid: Maid of Honor
sarorah - Bridesmaid
celebrian - Bridesmaid/ringbearer
AnitaVM - Bridesmaid
l41n - Bridesmaid/Family Therapist
weedboy - Bestman
terrybhs06 - Groomsman
JTC007 - Groomsman
spydertennis - Dirty old uncle
joev - Non-drunk Guy near the DJ
thebluemuffin - The Pretend Musician
NoFX - Table/Chair/Tree
Goldfish - Clown
Whenicomearound - desperate drunk single girl
they.call.me.a.rebel. - awkward guy who doesn't really know anyone
evil<em>asian</em>dictator-Lily's jealous and sexy ex-boyfriend
hairypotty- A sleepy fat guy
warblersrule86- Photographer/Refreshments Supervisor
frequency43- Groom's old cranky mother
pattycake- Flower girl
want<em>a</em>scholarship- a huge box of toilet papers from the clown, a.k.a. goldfish
pufferfsihoO-Caterer...mejor cocinera de todo el mundo
purrli - Friar
GoldShadow - Lighting Supervisor/Director
ilovemath314159- weird person who shows up for the food (and eats all of it)
supersonicxx - The one who baked the cake and ate it too.
xcchick44 - Physco wedding planner!!
usna<em>reject- That girl, in the black dress, by the wall, not talking to anyone, just standing, watching
sydney</em>bristow87 - random person walking around with a headset and clipboard.
ecnerwalc3321-the asian chauffeur who stands around in the cold while the wedding goes on.
Untilted - the REAL wedding crasher who's seeking to have sex with every girl above. :)</p>
<p>ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! there are innocent 8th graders here (namely me)</p>
<p>"Untilted - the REAL wedding crasher who's seeking to have sex with every girl above"</p>
<p>EVEN ME? Groom's old cranky mother? Why, I'm female, but who wants an old cranky woman?</p>
<p>thank god the bride's not in that list...</p>
<p>yea...she would complain even more during sex! ;)</p>
the REAL wedding crasher who's seeking to have sex with every girl above
I think that's the key. Girl, not old woman lol.</p>
<p>wow, we are rocking the wedding cliches.</p>
<p>That was real dirty weedboy....:p</p>
<p>yeah...though i didn't really get it. since when did lily complain?</p>
<p>girl? old woman? bah! what's the difference? they are same thing! :p</p>
<p>i think we should just call lily and gunner lunner. or gilly.</p>
<p>gilly and lunner!</p>
<p>haha do u work for a tabloid then?</p>
<p>^that's hilarious....it's like how fred and george once said gred and feorge in harry potter....</p>
<p>lunner makes the couple look looney or retarded (MAN, I LOVE THIS WORD!)</p>
<p>gilly makes gunner look gay. no offense...</p>
<p>isn't lunner a short for lunch-breakfast??? like how breakfast lunch is a brunch...haha</p>
<p>yummy :)</p>
<p>LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL lunner and gilly....omg i'm cracking up...this is hilarious :D :D</p>
<p><em>must.stop.laughing.to.breathe.</em> lol</p>
<p>lol gilly makes gunner sound like a girl</p>
<p>lunner sounds like loser. :D</p>
<p>lollll so is lily lunner or is gunner gilly or what</p>
<p>goshhhhhh i think i'm laughing/enjoying this more than a normal person should...:D ...LUNNER weds GILLY...lolllll sorry i just can't stop laughing :D :D :D</p>