List of Colleges that do not accept Score Choice

<p>I have been searching for this list for a while and I cannot seem to find a compilation of colleges. I was wondering if anyone could find me some colleges that don't accept score choice or even if someone knows where on the Common Data Sets if it says Score Choice is not accepted. That would be great either way =)</p>

<p>Penn, Cornell, and USC. Those are the 3 I know of off the top of my head.</p>

<p>yale As well</p>

<p>Stanford won’t accept it either, I believe.</p>

<p>I actually got an email from CB a couple of weeks ago, basically saying something to the effect that they would release a list themselves once Score Choice is up.</p>

<p>I heard most top colleges/ivies still do superscore (ie: they want all your scores). Confirm/deny?</p>

<p>I think that superscore is still in effect for everything, but not 100%.</p>

<p>And thanks to the above people!</p>

<p>they also said that colleges have now way of detecting wether or not u submit a score choice score report… so i guess it’s just trust??</p>

<p>i thought colleges would not be able to tell. I was going to take the March SAT just for practice, as i did not really start my prep yet.(I know, i am a procrastinator )</p>

<p>Now i am not so sure anymore, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>^ i know, that’s what i just said</p>

<p>Why does it matter? colleges that don’t want score choice, still do superscore, so even if your march scores are crap, it shouldn’t matter. And if you do score choice, then you have nothingto worry about.</p>