S hasn’t had any problems joining clubs at ND, if anything he has joined more clubs than has time for, but he isn’t studying a pre professional degree.
A quick google search shows that the investment club is open to all students but if you want to join the competition team, there is a competitive interview process.
And at ND there is an interview process for frosh to be admitted to that club’s sophomore analyst program and thus play a role in the club’s actual decision making. But those not selected can still attend weekly meetings. I wonder if any do.
I know Emory has competitive clubs, since I see parents complaining about them in the parent Facebook group. However I don’t know if “most” are competitive. My student there would run a mile from any club that was competitive so I have no direct experience!
Both my kids went to the same college and neither mentioned any competitive clubs. I don’t know if it’s because there aren’t any or if they just didn’t try to join them. My daughter was in one service club that kicked people out if they repeatedly didn’t show up.