<p>CAS has distribution requirements where you have to take 5 courses in Cultural Analysis(CA-AS), Historical Analysis(HA-AS) etc. However, where can we find the list of courses that would satisfy these requirements?</p>
<p>There is an A&S Course roster - but again, it is unclear how do you know if a particular course meets above requirements. e.g. in one of the sample schedules, they list "ANTH 2450" as meeting "CA-AS" requirement. But how do you know this?</p>
<p>Go here: [Course</a> Descriptions - Cornell University - Acalog ACMS?](<a href=“Cornell University - Acalog ACMS™”>Course Descriptions - Cornell University - Acalog ACMS™)
Search for a course, and click on the course title. Whatever distribution requirements it fulfills should be listed. Unfortunately, you cannot directly enter something like CA-AS or MQR and automatically have a list of courses that fulfill that requirement unlike in the previous online Course of Study page.</p>
<p>I don’t think there is a “list” per se, but the Courses of Study (Google “cornell courses of study”) lists those designations for each course in A&S. Sometimes courses don’t have a designation if they are cross-listed with another class in another college, but usually a quick e-mail to the registrar can clarify any course specific questions. </p>
<p>Although you’ll get used it it, the requirements you described are the “Distribution” requirements. The breadth requirement is a non-Western course and/or before the 20th century. So for example, a course I took last semester “Arabian Nights: Then and Now” I believe filled both requirements since it’s an Arab literature course and the “Arabian Nights” is quite old.</p>
<p>Just when I almost gave up hope, I came across this site, from the Engineering dept web site! This is <em>exactly</em> what is needed, and surprisingly, though these courses are mostly offered by CAS, CAS does not seem to talk about this site! So, for all others who are looking for similar info:</p>
<p>Amusingly, it took someone from Comp Science to put this list together: :)</p>
<p>“This website lists the courses in the Colleges of Arts & Science and Agriculture & Life Sciences that are marked in the Courses of Study (online version, 14 Aug 2008) as being in one of the liberal studies categories. The list was extracted and these webpages were produced using a program written in the programming language Java. It took about 7 hours to write the program (using some existing material). Take CS1110 and CS2110 and you could do it yourself.” ([Liberal</a> studies courses](<a href=“US Sai Organization”>US Sai Organization))</p>
<p>I’d be wary of planning distribution reqs using only that list - I tried it not too long ago. Once you start accounting for classes that aren’t taught in your desired semester, classes that just aren’t taught any longer, classes that have a bunch of prereqs, classes that’re intended for upper-level students in that respective department, and so on, that list dwindles very quickly.</p>