List of Top, Prestigious Awards

Where do think placing in the top 10 of the JV USGeo Olympiad competition rank? By top 10 I mean top 10 in the nation.

I’m looking at these awards and I’m wondering how you would include something like a “successful” business or a published paper on your common app.
Practically, where would they go?
Also, I’ve got a question regarding the weightings of these rankings.
How would someone with three 3s compare with someone with one 7 and the rest 0 and 1s.
Or someone with one 8 and one 3 verses someone with a 10?

Probably three 3’s are weighted less than a one 7 and a bunch of 1’s. But an 8/3 is probably the same-ish as a 10.

I dont know, A 10 would probably be better than an 8 and a 3 and three 3s better than a 7 and some 0s and 1s. Getting higher on the list is a really big accomplishment rather than many smaller achievements

I mean, a really big accomplishment doesn’t mean that you’re a shoo-in. Going to IMO is probably going to mean that you’re guaranteed to Harvard, but a lot of people who spend their entire lives attempting for IMO have no life and turn into robots. It’s probably better with a USA(J)MO qualification and an NMSQT finalist, or some music, or girl scouts, or something different. 3’s are really common achievements, and you contradict yourself, @17Angel, when you say that a really big accomplishment is better than many small, yet you say that 3’s are better than a 7. A 7 is a JMO qualification (USA(J)MO’s and AMC are the only olympiads I’ve participated in, so those are my standards), which is much, much better (also much rarer) than an Eagle Scout, with an AMC top scorer, with an All-County regional award.

Oh sorry I meant a 7 is better than three 3s, I really messed up that last comment, but I also agree a big accomplishment alone won’t be enough to get into most selective college. But still getting a 10 is a whole other level than an 8 and it would look better than an 8 and a common 3.

Can someone clarify why essay contest is 2?

Also, a high school student publishing in Science/Nature?? (i’m guessing first author)
It’s very hard for me to believe that. It’s not very easy for scientists and professors who’ve been working for years and decades to publish in such a prestigious journal, and a high school student first authoring in such paper does not seem very probable. Being co-authored in a publication like that may make a bit more sense, but that rouses the question how much the high school student contributed to the formulation of the research.


Also, why is published in a reputable research journal only a 7?
Don’t even talk about getting published in Science/Nature, getting published in any reputable research journal is easily much harder than any of the other 7s. All these other awards are recognition from peers, however they are recognition from peers of the same age. Getting published in a reputable research journal is earning recognition from academia, a whole different scenario.


I’m not sure if this is the case for many, but I’ve heard that a large portion of high school interns at labs are to be co-authored in a paper. Publishing in reputable journal is definitely a more worthy feat than doing well in a high school competition, but in many cases the student isn’t responsible for 100% of the publication of the paper, and its a group effort of the lab in many cases.

Now where would taking and receiving an A in a graduate class at a respected university while still in high school rank? For example, I took Distribution Theory and got an A. A friend took algebraic topology his senior year and got an A.

I can’t imagine this is terribly common.

How would book award rank? Typically at my HS of 2000, only two people get picked so they are considered prestigious, but how would ad coms see them?

@auggie104: Is this book award nationally/internationally known, or is this just a regional or only school-wide award?

@thelittleswimmer I believe its recognized by most schools on the East Coast. I received the Smith College Book Award, here are the requirements: Awarded to an outstanding junior girl who exemplifies the academic achievement, leadership qualities, and concern for others that characterizes the thousands of women who have graduated from Smith.

can someone explain Siemens Semis = olympiad finals = amc perfect?
perfect on AMC is harder, but getting 20 on JMO is much more impressive than getting a 150 on AMC 10

Where would a US Patent go? (not patent pending, an actual awarded US Patent)

How would someone with a 7, two 5s, a 3, and in various auditioned groups compare to a person with one 8 and virtually nothing else?

it depends.
Also, i’m close to sure that someone with a 7 will have the lower tier stuff.

Would a person with a 8, two 7’s, a 6, and a 5 be good enough for very selective colleges? (assume high GPA and SAT)

What would be your chances to Chicago with a 3.5 gpa but a usaco camp member or icho medalist?

How about non-academic stuff like obtaining a master title in chess?