List of Top, Prestigious Awards

A quick google search says that it ended in 2011? Unclear lol

Does anyone familiar with Google Code Jam want to explain how just qualifying is a 6.5 (higher in prestige than an AMC 10 perfect score, USACO gold, …)?

I’m not sure how the list came about but I agree with you that qualificaiton for Google Code Jam should be ranked lower than, say, USACO Gold.

Because this is a random list with scores typed in by a few random people who are very unlikely to have participated in more than 5% of them.


What would the Yale Bassett/Princeton Prize be?

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And publishing a book too

I attended Ross last year and was fortunate enough to be invited back as a JC this year. I also was invited to be an Honors Summer Math Camp 2nd-year student (never attended first year) where I could perform research. I will enjoy both programs, so which one would be more impressive for colleges.

good point!!!

Is anyone familiar with where the Adroit Journal Summer Mentorship program would rank?

I would think it would compare to the literary version of SAMS, but since you have to pay for the program that may bump it down. just my opinion though.

Yeah I’m wondering that too. I know its really selective, about 8% acceptance rate but its hard to compare literary awards/programs in my opinion.

I don’t think so

im wondering this too

anyone have any idea on the ranking of USAJMO vs USAMO?

Both are great, but are looked at in context. The very strongest USAMO qualifiers will achieve the distinction in elementary school, and many USAMO qualifiers will never have qualified USAJMO because they always took the AMC12 even as <11th graders.

I would think that USAJMO qualification in, say, 9th and 10th grades, but no USAMO in 11th might raise a slight question, but again this would all be in context; and specific AMC and AIME scores are often listed in applications by strong math students (some applications specifically request them).

tl:dr - “it depends, but both are great”

So now we’re quantifying achievements based on arbitrary “tiers”? Who is to tell me how much my achievements are worth? And how much I am “worth” as a student?

As someone on Reddit would put it, “this is an exercise in neuroticism.”

NSLI-Y? 18% acceptance, national, free…

This is not an academic program. The selection is very holistic and “strong preference” is given to kids who don’t have overseas experiences.

NSLI-y is clearly academic. The State Department is investing in the participants to learn a language that it believes to be “critical.” The students spend eight weeks intensely studying this foreign language. It’s not a sightseeing program focusing on culture.

Btw, the admissions to HPYSM is holistic.

How about paid internship?