Listed SIX books; am I screwed?

<p>Ok so you guys know on the supplement where they ask you to list FOUR books you read this year? Well stupid ole me listed SIX books. I checked and rechecked my application before submitting it but somehow I completely missed the word FOUR twice.</p>

<p>Will this really screw my chances? I mean I don't think I have a great chance as is but now they might think I can't even follow directions.</p>

<p>I also listed Twilight as one of my books, to be cute. Do you think this will work against me? I wanted to show that I read more than just what was on the SAT reading list.</p>

<p>The whole point of the question is to get a feel for your personality, I suspect. Twilight is the new Harry Potter, it’s pretty sensational, so I would consider that fine to have on a reading list (though it’s not especially deep or riveting.)</p>

<p>I think you’re in the clear listing 6 instead of 4. I highly doubt some tired admissions committee member will go “Hmm-- high SATs, high GPA, good extra cur-- WAIT HOLY CRAP. SIX BOOKS? THIS CANNOT BE.”</p>

<p>Yeah seriously, calm the ***** down. At the very worst, the admissions officer will actually notice and note that you’ve been overgenerous in listing books. At best, they think, hey this kid is an avid reader. If this is the kind of stuff you fret over, then you shouldn’t be worrying. It also means that you’re really high-strung, but that’s typical for high achievers fighting for a few precious positions at the prestigious Carnegie Mellon and other fine prestigious universities.</p>

<p>I’m still smug about bumping some overstressed 4.0/1600 with my 2.9 and 1380. I’m a senior at CMU</p>

<p>I listed Watchmen as one of my books and that’s a graphic novel… but I got in.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t worry. I can’t remember any more exacty what my son listed, but I’m pretty sure one was the Vorkosigan (sci fi) series by Lois McMasters Bujold which technically is 19 books/novellas. :)</p>

<p>Don’t worry about it. I think I listed like 3 books. Lol. I still got into CMU last year.</p>