Listing one-credit summer course on app?

<p>This last summer, my son was accepted into a competitive, all-expenses-paid, two-week summer program at a top 20 university. In addition to being a great experience, the school awarded one college credit. While that's nice, the lone credit it almost feels like a marketing or PR move since it is, after all, just one credit and it's unlikely to ever be accepted at another college. But nevertheless, it was awarded and a university transcript can be requested that reports the credit.</p>

<p>Is it worth noting this "college credit" on the Common App this fall and, if so, is it worth requesting that a transcript showing the credit be sent to the other universities to which he is applying? His GC says yes, but I'm not convinced. Any thoughts?</p>

<p>JMO, but I’m not convinced either.</p>

<p>At colleges where this solitary credit would be impressive, an otherwise impressive application would render the gesture unnecessary. And at colleges where it wouldn’t be particularly impressive, what would be the point?</p>