Little Low Gpa, but Decent Sat

<p>Sophmore Semester 1/ Semester 2 grade
Chem A A
Alg 2 B A
W Histry B A
Eng B B
French III B A</p>

<p>Junior Semester 1/Semester 2 grade
Pre Calc A A
French IV (AP) B A
Bio (AP) B B
Physics (AP) B A</p>

<p>With these grades, i would get 12 A’s, 10 B’s and 6 honors which would be a 3.82 UC gpa. With this, what possibile Uc’s would be a good chance to get into.
Sat- 2210</p>

MUN 3 years now , will be in leadership position next year
Saisa Math Club
40+ Community service hours</p>

<p>First of all, are you an ELC student? If you are, then you are pretty much guaranteed into every UC schools except for UCB, UCLA and UCSD.</p>

<p>For the three last schools mentioned above, I would say a reach since your extra curriculum activities aren’t outstanding. But if your essay, recs and ethnicity(I really hate to ask that) could help you, then you might get a good chance.</p>

<p>Write an essay about overcoming some challenge, some adversity. Adcoms love it and it will explain your lower grades (relative to a high sat).</p>