Live Chat with current students tonight, 12/15/08

<p>Hey guys, </p>

<p>As some of you may already know, the Prospective Students' Advisory Committee of the University of Chicago sporadically holds live chat sessions with members of our executive board. This is a great time to get online for a few minutes and ask us any questions you might have about student life... in real time!
To coincide with EA decision release today, we will be hosting a live chat session tonight from 8 to 10 pm central time. You can talk to the awesome Willa on AIM, "uofcpsac", or you can talk to the slightly less cool me on GChat, "uofc.psac" (don't forget the dot!).
Anyway, congrats to all of those admitted (or deferred- you're not out of the running yet!!), and feel free to stop by with any questions you might have. We may be a bit busy tonight, as we're anticipating a lot of questions, so don't be offended if we don't want to talk with you for two hours straight, but definitely send us an IM or something if you have a few questions for us.</p>

Web Content Director
PSAC Executive Board</p>

<p>Thank you guys so much for setting this, as well as the Facebook group, up. Chicago people are awesome! :)</p>

<p>grace – </p>

<p>It’s not that I’m bitter or anything, but didn’t you say that the release date would not be today? It was actually a nice surprise after you said otherwise, though, to be completely honest.</p>

<p>Teehee. Yeah, I did say that. We thought the release date was going to be Wednesday, but I found out riiiight before you guys did that thye were actually going out today.
And I’m online with GChat now, so… feel free to chat!</p>