Live-Text Membership?

<p>Son forwarded an email from the UA office of Civil Engineering asking students to purchase a subscription from Live-Text, a program that allows students to post portfolios and link to employers. The letter mentions it is used by the Dept for accreditation. The subscription costs 40$ for a year or $98 for 5 yrs. The letter pretty strongly encourages students to buy.</p>

<p>Are any of you familiar with this program?</p>

<p>I used it when I was working on my teacher certification a few years ago. We had to post things into a variety of sub-sections – i.e. my “philosophy” of education; various lesson plans for the different classes I took, etc. Frankly, I hated it, but I will admit to being a paper/pencil girl for a lot of things other people use computers for (like my lesson plans and calendar). The rumor was that we were using it because it’s considered important for a university program to re-certify their accreditation (i.e. SACS for the school I was attending). We were told that we could give potential employers our passwords and they could look over our online portfolios, but not a single principal o ever asked me for access when I was interviewing. I carried a large paper portfolio to my interviews, but no one ever looked at it either!</p>