Living in The Well?

<p>I was wondering if anyone could tell me if I should consider living in The Well as a freshman this year. I don't want to drink or do drugs and it would be nice to have the people living around me who have that in common. I've heard there's a good Christian community there, but I've also seen some posts that say to not live there, but I'm not really sure what their reasoning is. So I'm kind of on the fence. Any info would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Well, you got two types of kids in the WELL. The ones who want to be there and wouldn’t do anything anyway, and the ones whose parents told them they had to live there, generally for a reason. So do the math on that one.</p>

<p>At any rate I think you’d grow more from self-restraint than having someone tell you you had to do something, but it is a personal choice. I know a lot of people who didn’t live there who avoided partying/drinking/drugs/etc, and I believe that to a person they would all attest to becoming stronger individuals for having gone through that on their own will-power (not that not drinking or especially not doing drugs is a difficult task) instead of having some community board tell them they couldn’t.</p>

<p>If you’re looking for a Christian community there are groups upon groups that cater to that. You’re going to have no problem finding a group there to surround yourself with that avoids the things you want to avoid. Just be careful not to become too jaded or judgmental when you realize some of the people in those groups are also the folks partying it up the most.</p>