<p>I have been accepted to some of the schools I have applied to.
I am awaiting formal replies from my reach schools</p>
<p>My question is how important is location, if I do not get accepted by my prefferred reach schools. </p>
<p>I Live in Michigan and I am concerned with the local economy and possible job opportunities when I graduate.</p>
<p>Would the extra costs associated with attending Chicago, East Coast or PA schools be beneficial?</p>
<p>If I do get accepted to my Reach schools I will attend, location will not be a issue.</p>
<p>Thank You for looking at my question</p>
<p>Depends on where you want to end up working.</p>
<p>Also depends upon the local (“where you want to end up working”) reputation of your options.</p>
<p>It’s hard to advise without knowing where you want to practice and what your options are.</p>
<p>If possible I would like to stay in Michigan, this is why I am concerned about the local job market.
Things are bad here in Michigan, I do not see them improving much in the next couple years, with the Tax base and Political leadership here.</p>
<p>I know UofD, MSU, Wayne State are very strong in Michigan and the vast majority of practicing lawyers, and Judges are graduates. I have no issues with these schools if I do not make it into Michigan, ND, Chicago or some of the other Great Lakes Area top level schools I have applied to. I am a border line candidate for my reach schools. The regional nature of the local universities is my concern, due to the tough job market in Michigan, am I limiting my “reach” to Michigan only if I attend the regional universities.</p>
<p>I have also applied to regional Chicago Universities to enter a larger Midwest Market, and a few East Coast, PA schools that have a history of National Security, Homeland Security placements which I have a interest in.</p>
<p>I maybe a little fractured in my target schools, I am undecided in the exact type of Law I would like to pursue. Local, State Government, National Security, and then a more conventional type, Internet Law intellectual property is also appealing.</p>
<p>Do must Lawyers really know what they want to pursue prior to attending Law School</p>
<p>Merry Christmas and Happy New Years folks!!!</p>
<p>I don’t think most lawyers know this, but I do think most prospectives know where they want to end up.</p>
<p>I don’t have any knowledge of the regional MI schools. Michigan, on the other hand–and as you probably know–will have first dibs on any (relatively) high-paying gig in Michigan. And I’m sure there are such gigs for those who want to stay in the region (I have friends who were 1L SAs at firms there, even).</p>