Looking back at the 6 colleges and grad schools I attended. Am I the only one?

<p>I only went to one college and one grad school, but I remember my classes and professors as if it were yesterday! I can hear the deep, commanding voice of my communications teacher. The playful foreign language classes where I learned to never forget the word for egg when one was cracked over my head. I'm still close with that prof!</p>

<p>I remember in which class I met people who are still my friends today. All of the special days studying abroad. Big foorball games. Big dances. Right up there with the firsts of my kids!</p>

<p>I went to special schools, especially my small undergrad LAC, places nearly everyone has fond memories of. Is that the difference?</p>

<p>Zagat, which school did you go to? I would love to know which small LAC has big football games.</p>