Looking for a CS safety that will notify quickly [TX resident, probably top 25%, 3.97/1420, <$60k]

Northern Arizona University (NAU) costs $25 to apply. No essays. They have rolling admissions and usually notify students within a week.

Edit to add: Applications are open for Fall 2024, so your student could apply today and have an acceptance in hand next week. Your student will likely end up at another school, but for $25, it is a nice, quick, “take the pressure off” type of acceptance.


And Flagstaff is a nice friendly city with plenty to do.


Yep Iowa State. It’s a very good engineering school with really good placement afterwards.

Michigan State Honors she will be given with a mentor, $5,000 for study abroad and research opportunities.

Illinois Tech is great and great outcomes but it’s small and a commuter school and definitely need to visit but they all get jobs. Probably get a great merit there.

If coming to see apply to UIC (University of Illinois - Chicago). They just built a new CS campus. They also are taking it seriously with this new building and jobs aplenty in Chicago and beyond.


What about Knox College? I think they give answers within 2 weeks.
Marist EA?
UMass Lowell? West Chester University (outside Philly)? Towson (Maryland)?
If you’re not interested in Penn State Main, Penn State Behrend or Altoona (Penn State Main is notoriously long but branch campuses+strong stats=answer within 2 weeks)?

Seconding Iowa State for quick answers :slight_smile: + NAU :slight_smile: :slight_smile: UIC, Illinois Tech, Michigan State not sure how quick they provide a reply but Michigan State with Honors is great :slight_smile:
She’ll start September with 3 or 4 acceptances in hand :slight_smile:


What is your nearest airport? There are times that a nonstop flight can be a lot faster than driving, even with the time to get to the airport, go through security, etc. There could be some smaller colleges/good fits if nonstop flights would work for your family, especially if either Houston or Dallas would be a convenient airport for you.

Also, with respect to the accommodations your daughter needs, are they the type that are usually available at colleges (extra time, typing responses, etc) or would she need special services?

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I live in AZ and have lived in both Tucson and Phoenix areas. Between the 2 metro areas, Tucson is definitely way more LGBTQ+ aware than the Phoenix area. For example, Tucson has a big pride celebration every year. I have gay friends who’ve lived in Tucson for several years and they love it there.

That being said, the greater Phoenix area is definitely way more conservative than Tucson. BUT when it comes to LGBT+ topics, it’s more libertarian in my opinion (i.e., you live your life, I’ll live mine, nobody’s going to care much what sort of life you want to live as long as you’re a good neighbor and aren’t a butthead). You should consider adding ASU to the list…Pretty much any college campus (with the exception of super mega conservative colleges like BYU or Liberty Univ) are blue/Democrat and that is true of ASU as well.

There’s also NAU, which somebody else mentioned. Closest airport is Phoenix. Will take you ~2-3 hr to drive there, depending on whether it’s a weekend or not. My gay Tucson friends have said that Flagstaff is on the Tucson end of LGBT+ friendliness.

I am definitely including non-stop flights in the close to get to equation, which is why I stated I preferred close to an airport. I’m not sure who brought up driving distances - there isn’t really anywhere driving distance from Texas :smile: . However, from my area there are multiple non-stop flights a day to some cities, but not many (any?) to others. So that sort of thing is a consideration. Or a school like WPI which involves a. long flight plus a drive (not too long of a drive, but still a drive) makes me a little nervous. Nothing has been ruled out due to travel, but it definitely has a column on the spreadsheet lol.

Accommodations - I am being vague for privacy reasons. Not necessarily the most common, but nothing that would be difficult for a school to provide.

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I’ve read some of the threads discussing ASU and UofA. My gut feeling is that UofA/Tucson sounds like a better fit for DD, but obviously I don’t really know. I think I couldn’t figure out the different campuses at ASU and just stopped looking at it. :blush: I will put NAU on the list for DD to look at also. We drove past it in Flagstaff once and I thought it looked like a nice place to spend four years.

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I brought up - I said Denver or Pittsburgh - it’s all the same - unless you’re in amarillo and can drive.

Where are you in TX?

There’s a non stop to PIttsburgh from Hobby and Love on Southwest. And others mentioned other cities - Minneapolis for example.

You know there will be multiple from DFW on AA and Intercontinental on United.

Besides - your kid isn’t coming home every weekend (I hope) so what if they have a one stop - if it’s the right school, so a few hours a few times a year shouldn’t matter.

Definitely Tucson for LGBTQ and just a cooler city. I’m an ASU alum…fine school but Tucson is just “better” - it’s one campus, it’s all there, and the Honors dorm is super nice. On the flip side, ASU Barrett is arguably the top Honors College in America.

Both U of A and NAU have a 4.5 on Campus Pride, so very strong. I can’t say a high campus pride equates to a healthy LGBTQ life - but it’s a metric.

I couldn’t find ASU but likely have one…

Flag is super cool - and if you like to ski - but will be harder to get to - one stop via Phoenix - except there is a non stop from DFW (one a day - I just looked).

Flag will be more “regional” in audience but both have a large OOS population. Flag will be cooler in temperature. Not sure of the merit there vs. U of A which is on a table. They use unweighted - so you’d need to calculate - 4 for an A, 3 for a B, etc.

Good luck.


Not necessarily fast responders (i.e. I don’t know if any of these are rolling admissions), but if you’re trying to find some non-huge schools for CS, these are some schools that you might want to consider. They all offer at least a Master’s degree in CS, and many offer a doctorate, so there would hopefully be sufficient depth for your daughter. Since you didn’t indicate Dallas or Houston as a convenient airport, I’ll assume that your airport is not a hub that can get you to tons of destinations nonstop.

Chicago: American, United, and Southwest have hubs here, so hopefully that means a nonstop flight

  • DePaul (IL): About 14k undergrads, 54% female

  • Loyola Chicago: About 12k undergrads, 68% female

New York City metro: American, United, Delta, and JetBlue have hubs here

  • Fordham (NY): About 9900 undergrads, 59% female

  • Manhattan (NY): About 3200 undergrads, 43% female, may have a suitcase school reputation

  • New Jersey Institute of Technology: About 9200 undergrads, 27% (!) female

  • Stevens Institute of Technology: About 4100 undergrads, 30% (!) female

Philadelphia: American has a hub here

  • Drexel (PA ): About 14k undergrads, 49% female, and a strong co-op focus

  • Rowan (NJ): About 15k undergrads, 47% female

Baltimore/Washington D.C.: American, United, and Southwest have hubs here

  • George Washington (D.C.): About 12k undergrads, 64% female

  • U. of Maryland – Baltimore County: About 11k undergrads, 46% female…you may want to research if this is a suitcase school

Los Angeles: American, United, Delta, Southwest, and Alaska Airlines have hubs here

  • Loyola Marymount (CA): About 7100 undergrads, 53% female

Denver: United and Southwest have hubs here

  • U. of Denver (CO): About 5900 undergrads, 55% female

San Francisco: United and Alaska Airlines have hubs here, Southwest if you count Oakland

  • U. of San Francisco (CA): About 6k undergrads, 64% female

Seattle: Delta and Alaska Airlines have hubs here

  • Seattle (WA): About 4200 undergrads, 61% female

I wouldn’t recommend Fordham for CS. Not as strong as others in CS.


Back to NAU - it looks like $11K off per year if a 3.5 in HS and $9K for a 3.0.

I’m sure it’s unweighted but you likely get the $11K.

Tuition and fees are $29K.

U of Arizona tuition are $39.6K. Not sure if there are “fees”.

Their scholarship is up to $32K. I don’t see the table but before it was - unweighted GPA - 4.0 at $32K. 3.9 was $30K. 3.75 was $20K.

They were auto merit.

U of A is a great school as are Pitt, Minnesota and more - quick admission or otherwise.

Good luck

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To get a sense of how good these schools are in CS, the following ranking may be helpful. I exclude the US News rankings. While the ratings are research oriented, I think it identifies universities with good CS programs. (No LACs though, unfortunately.)

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I’d add University of Houston, since you’re in Texas.

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Another rank in addition to the Brown rankings above from @13street that I find interesting is the payscale mid-career salaries.

Once you get past the top schools, it really flattens out and we know a lot of the higher salaries are due to things like location, moreso than where you go.

They say this is median salary of alumni with 10+ years experience. Who or how they survey I’m not sure.

Rank School Name Mid-Career Pay
1 Harvey Mudd College $189,200
2 Stanford University $183,100
3 University of California-Berkeley $181,100
4 Harvard University $179,400
5 Carnegie Mellon University $178,300
6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology $177,200
7 Princeton University $177,100
8 Columbia University in the City of New York $175,400
9 Dartmouth College $174,900
10 Yale University $174,300
11 Duke University $173,400
12 Brown University $170,400
13 University of Pennsylvania $170,000
14 University of Washington-Seattle Campus $168,400
15 Rice University $166,500
16 University of California-Santa Barbara $165,500
17 CUNY Hunter College $162,300
18 University of California-Santa Cruz $161,300
19 Brandeis University $160,600
20 Cornell University $160,400
20 University of Virginia-Main Campus $160,400
22 Lehigh University $160,100
23 Worcester Polytechnic Institute $159,800
24 California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo $159,700
25 University of California-Irvine $158,300
26 Santa Clara University $157,900
27 Case Western Reserve University $157,700
27 Tufts University $157,700
29 University of California-San Diego $157,600
30 United States Naval Academy $157,400
31 Fordham University $156,500
31 University of California-Los Angeles $156,500
33 Stony Brook University $156,300
34 Johns Hopkins University $155,000
35 Boston University $154,800
36 University of Massachusetts-Amherst $154,600
37 Boston College $153,800
38 Northwestern University $153,700
39 University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign $153,400
40 United States Military Academy $153,300
40 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute $153,300
42 Wake Forest University $152,900
43 University of Notre Dame $152,500
43 San Jose State University $152,500
45 New York University $152,200
45 University of Southern California $152,200
47 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University $150,800
47 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor $150,800
49 Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus $150,300
50 University of California-Davis $150,000
50 Trinity College $150,000
52 LeTourneau University $149,800
53 Stevens Institute of Technology $149,200
54 CUNY Brooklyn College $148,800
55 George Mason University $148,500
55 Emory University $148,500
55 George Washington University $148,500
58 Washington University in St Louis $148,400
59 University of Maryland-College Park $148,200
59 University of Delaware $148,200
61 Pepperdine University $148,000
62 Merrimack College $147,800
63 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $147,300
64 William & Mary $146,700
65 The University of Texas at Austin $146,000
65 Seattle University $146,000
67 Sacred Heart University $145,600
68 James Madison University $145,500
69 Brigham Young University $145,100
69 University of Rhode Island $145,100
69 Bucknell University $145,100
69 University of St Thomas (Minnesota) $145,100
73 Vanderbilt University $144,800
73 University of Minnesota-Twin Cities $144,800
73 Worcester State University $144,800
76 Colorado School of Mines $144,400
77 Rutgers University-New Brunswick $144,200
78 Bowdoin College $144,000
79 Oregon State University $143,700
80 University of Colorado Boulder $143,600
81 Western Washington University $143,400
82 California State University-Sacramento $143,200
83 Point Loma Nazarene University $142,900
84 Siena College $142,600
85 The University of Texas at Dallas $142,300
86 Michigan State University $142,200
86 San Diego State University $142,200
88 University of Puget Sound $142,100
88 Binghamton University $142,100
88 College of Staten Island CUNY $142,100
91 University of Mary Washington $141,800
91 Bethel University (Minnesota) $141,800
93 California State University-East Bay $141,700
94 Loras College $141,600
95 California State University-Northridge $141,400
96 Wentworth Institute of Technology $141,100
97 SUNY at Albany $141,000
98 North Carolina State University at Raleigh $140,700
99 Loyola University Maryland $140,300
100 University of Utah $140,200

And you can’t beat the acceptance email that come from Iowa State a few weeks after your auto acceptance.

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I don’t think they have very early notification, but both Puget Sound and Mary Washington have great support for those that are neurodiverse.


Is Texas disfavored for similar reasons?

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and Iowa?

But @college24x2 did say this earlier:

Right now the in-state schools on the list are:

UT (super reach)
UT-Dallas and UTSA (should be likelies)
Trinity TX (Should be a target).

I have multiple (>10) students attending UTSA with similar stats every year. UTSA also has rolling admission. I’ve had students receiving admission before Halloween.
My two former students currently attending Colorado School of Mines had 1400s SAT, scored 2 and 3 on APCSA, were very happy after first year in college.