Looking for a CS safety that will notify quickly [TX resident, probably top 25%, 3.97/1420, <$60k]

Texas would be out, but it is our state of residence. So Texas schools likely won’t be top choice, but some need to stay on the list for various reasons.

ETA: I don’t know anything about Iowa. DD and I will have to look into it. I am very familiar with the southeast.

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For true Texas safeties with rolling admission, Texas Tech and Texas State both have rolling admissions.

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Depends on what ‘hindrance’ is with the southeast but the Governor of Iowa is deSantis “twin sister”. They are buddies.

Is it reproductive rights or something else ? KU (Kansas) is a much safer bet although Iowa State is very beloved on the board for STEM so obviously a great school. But no different than the SE in most ways. And they give a quick answer (Iowa State). Not 100% sure if KU does but it’s 100% a safety and both low cost.

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You won’t have any problem finding schools to admit the student; the neurodivergence may be more of a concern for her comfort level in leaving home, fit and accomodations.


I appreciate all of the suggestions. I think you guys have given me some that could work as a guaranteed admit just to give her a sense of security that she will be going to college. Then we can move on finalizing the rest of the list.
I also appreciate all of the other suggestions that might not be guarantees but sound like great targets!


Thank you for this detailed list. Some of these were on our radar, but definitely not all of them! I will look into these.


I will suggest something a little different that might be worth a look. It doesn’t answer the “fast response” but otherwise might be a fit … depending on the reason for your daughter’s size requirement.
Smith and Mt. Holyoke are both historic women’s colleges with very strong STEM programs. And they belong to a consortium with UMass Amherst. It is very easy to take classes and join clubs across the consortium (and dine at the other schools around class time). I know a recent Smith grad that took numerous advanced engineering classes at UMass. And because UMass is known for amazing food, she ate there frequently. So, even though Smith is a small school, she did not have a typcial small LAC experience.
Smith is probabaly a target or reach for your daughter. Holyoke would be a safety and would probably give good merit money.


UMBC is not a suitcase school…


Regarding Pitt, my daughter applied 8/1 and got her acceptance on 9/2. It made for an awesome senior year of less stress for sure!!


And Pitt is one of Pennsylvania’s top schools so it’s a very very good safety. Also they have an Honors College your daughter has a decent shot at.

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