<p>I'll be a freshman next year at MSU in honors , male , and interested in physics. I don't want to room with a high school buddy...I'd like to meet someone new. If you feel the same, then my AIM screen name is kkei08 ...I know most people I'd find here tend to be more motivated and intelligent than the norm, so what a great place for a room mate search? </p>
<p>I'm almost always away, but just leave me a message and I'll respond eventually.</p>
<p>I'm physics major, too and going to be in MSU for the next spring 08.</p>
<p>To breifly talk about me, as far as academics go, I got perfect on SAT/ 2390 on the total of three sat subject tests, but i couldn't get into honors because of my certain situation. Also, i just moved from "Cornell discussion board" because my cornell admission didn't work out well (i'm assuming it, i really don't know right now).</p>
<p>First of all, i'm a transfer student from a community college and MSU doesn't allow this type of students to be placed directly into the honors regardless of their academic achievements. i even have two olympiad awards in both mathematics and physics, but, you know, things can't not be always worked out according to what you expected, i mean "getting into honors college". </p>
<p>But i'm going to listen all the physics courses from freshmen level, so there won't be any difference in my academic plan with other freshmen's.</p>
<p>Other than that, i play guitars, "keep in mind that it's plural(i have three)". I have no idea how to keep practicing guitars without bothering my possible roomate(s), that's actually my current biggest dilemma. Since i'm an international student without any relatives or family in this country,i have to bring all of those guitars and other peripherals including my belongings wherever i move. Well, in worst case, i might have to give up my hobby. </p>
<p>I don't know whether i'm going to see you at MSU, but i would be really glad to see someone who has exactly the same goal as mine. you can reach me through "nykles" at hotmail.</p>