Looking for advice in Merit aid for a top 1% student

Is she planning to continue with ice hockey? Is that why the talk is about Princeton rather than another full need reach like Stanford, where your travel costs would be much less.

Doh! Yes, you are correct - After. We are planning on filing the FAFSA and CSS Profile within the next month.

Kevin - I love this thread. I’ve read every post; and it’s so refreshing to have a real parent who isn’t defensive with all of the ideas thrown out - with a stellar kid to boot, so there’s lots of optimism!

( this kind of reminds me of several years ago and a thread about a triplet kid and where he should apply; that story actually made national news. It was heartwarming. All three were accepted into ivies. )

my point - glad you are hanging in here. If it were me I’d go for 1) auto merit, 2) put down 1 kid in college for FAFSA and CSS and 3) apply to a FEW selective schools that my kid liked; and then see what happens. I think you are doing a great job so far of learning, balancing, encouraging your daughter. I hope it all turns out GREAT for you.

(we’ve learned a lot from this thread for our own kid; not quite as high of stats as yours, very similar EFCs. He’s doing three auto merit, no competitive scholarship apps; and one or two elites. He’d look at ASU in a heartbeat if it were in the right price-zone.)

@KevinFromOC Slightly off topic, but I wanted to offer my hearty congratulations to your older daughter who will graduate from HS. I’m sure it required a lot of perseverance from her and from you as parents. Whatever her eventual path, well done!

@KevinFromOC this was posted elsewhere (thank you @BelknapPoint )

So…your older daughter would need to be enrolled in a degree or certificate seeking program to be considered as a student in college on your younger daughter’s FAFSA form. This means, your older daughter needs to apply to and be accepted to a certifIcate or degree seeking program. If that isn’t happening…put ONE as your number in college.

@bgbg4us - the triplets were avid cc posters. They kept us posted of their experiences during the process and even a year later.

My mistake-- it was the quadruplets who were avid posters here.

@KevinFromOC - can you clarify - is your DD planning to continue with Ice Hockey in college? Does that play into the planning at all?

@jym626 he has said his daughter isn’t currently being recruited so it doesn’t play a part in their college applications or FA considerations.

@twoinanddone - some schools might have club sports, Division 3 (though I don’t believe any Div 3 schools are on the list-- I can’t recall) or possibly a walk on opportunity (not sure if thats a pssibility for Ice Hockey). This is separate from a question about recruiting. Was just asking for clarificattion if she has any interest in continuing Ice Hockey in any capacity in college.

And sometimes coaches are still reaching out late in the game, which can cause confusion.

That’s a solid maybe.

A couple D1 coaches have said that if a recruitable player gets admitted to a college that has a D1 team, there’s a good chance that she could end up playing. In fact, one coach even said that’s how he got his 3rd string goalie now.
So there’s that possibility with Northeastern, RPI, RIT, Princeton, and Clarkson.

Several other schools have ACHA D1 or D2, which is essentially travel club hockey. ASU, Utah, and Miami have D1, and several others have D2. However, we discovered that at least for ASU, the cost to the player is about $4000 per season.

So it may play into planning a little, but at this point not too much…

Yeah, you get to pay for club sports rather than get a scholarship!

@jym626 - yes it was the quads! (not triplets.) I loved their posts and how their college process played out here. It was encouraging.

For Chemical Engineering, hockey, OOS aid, and probably wanting more hispanic scholars you could try Michigan State U. in E. Lansing. We’ve known various kids who’ve gone through the Engineering school, including several girls and several in Chem E. Everyone had a nice choice of jobs lined up at graduation. You’d get $15K off automatically with her scores. Then there is an additional scholarship for residents of Greater LA (I don’t know where you are in Calif.), plus hockey, NHRP. They do nice paid lab internships 10 hr./wk. for high scoring STEM kids. There’s a lot of options there. I’d call them and talk. Plus pretty campus with river running through it and great performing arts with Broadway-level shows coming through campus.

Michigan State is a great suggestion. There is a somewhat secret full-ride+ offered to 6-8 students a year that she may have a shot at if she shows enough interest.

MSU… I spent a good hour looking at their merit aid and the process (every google search seems to lead me back to a previous thread on CC!). They advertise 15 full rides and 20 full tuition awards. Apparently there is a big test and then an interview process to get one.

They have a Nov 1 deadline, but it looks like their application is a single essay which is just the common app essay? Plus they have a honors college but it looks like there’s no separate application process and no additional essays required. At this point, for a Nov 1 deadline it would have to be no additional essays!

I was talking with my daughter tonight about Ohio State (another Nov 1 deadline), and we decided to pass on them with their requirements for their Eminence full ride scholarship. Since it looks like MSU is an “easy” application we might substitute them instead. We’ll need to decide this weekend as I’d have to get her ACT score sent to them in time!

@KevinFromOC The scholarship I’m referring to is MSU’s premier full ride and it isn’t advertised. It is not the test scholarship. My D was awarded the scholarship after being selected to interview with a committee that included the head of the honors college. They called it a getting to know you interview and were secretive about what could come of it. It was her Christmas present that year (arrived like the day or so before in the mail - total surprise). A total of 8 students were selected and they roll out the red carpet for these few students. There is another parent on CC (I forget her name, but her daughter is a ballet dancer) who got it and attended.

I would rush scores to MSU and Ohio State this weekend!

Wouldn’t she have a chance at the Morrill scholarship at OSU?


@mommdc I think we might do MSU, primarily because it doesn’t look like there’s extra work for the application.

The Morrill at OSU states “rewarding academically talented students who are actively engaged in diversity-based leadership, service and social justice activities” - her activities are not diversity-based and she is no SJW - she wouldn’t have a shot at this one.
We also looked at the Eminence, but it seems to want a high level of service and helping others - she’s been a peer tutor for a couple years but that’s about all she has in that category. Plus, it requires yet more essays and a dreaded 2 minute video introduction, which to her would be 10 times worse than any essay or interview.

@KevinFromOC any more updates? How are you guys feeling? Feeling any more clarity at all or just waiting on some answers?