looking for advice study chinese scholarship??

<p>Is there anyone has experience to study in China? I have consulted for HEF master degree with scholarship to china. it sounds very excited. but i never came to study abroad. is there anyone understand about chinese enviroment for US students</p>

<p>I went to China this past summer! PM me if you want to hear specific details about my trip and experience.</p>

<p>Are you applying for college now or are you already in college? Because if you’re looking at applying now, my school, Presbyterian College, has an awesome program for studying Chinese and visiting China. You apply for the Chinese scholars program and they select 15ish students. You take Chinese all year from a visiting professor from Guizhou University in China. Then, over the summer, the school gives you stipends that cover half of a five-week trip to China. So my trip cost $2900 total for five weeks, plus the fees to get a passport and a visa.</p>