Looking for Carleton comparables

<p>Hi, I'm kind of late, but still looking for colleges to apply to. I absolutely LOVE Carleton, but with my stats (2230 SAT, 3.6 UW GPA (4.7 W (IB)), National Merit semifinalist, not stellar EC's, not a great writer), I'm pretty sure I won't get in. I'm also applying to Macalester, Emory, Harvard (only because of free ride based on family income), Colgate, and a few local colleges. I don't feel like any of my other colleges are quite what I am looking for, except maybe Macalester (which is not much easier to get into), so I'm doomed to disappointment if I don't get in to Carleton. If you can think of any good alternatives that are not as hard to get into as Carleton, I might be indebted to you forever.
Here's my ideal college:
about 2,000 kids
offers linguistics as a major (though it's not a requirement)
other preferred majors: english, comparative lit, any languages, philosophy
not ultra-liberal (or ultra-conservative, for that matter, though they are few and far between)
private, liberal arts
decent financial aid
atmosphere of learning, not competition
diverse/internationally focused
somewhere where it snows! (I've lived in FL my entire life)</p>

<p>Thank youuuuuuu

<p>You have a 2230 and you think you have no chance at MacAlester?</p>

<p>Get real, kid. You'll be fine.</p>

<p>Sounds like you described Colgate.Very nice place.Bucknell's a little bigger,but similar.</p>

<p>Middlebury is the right size and it has a strong focus on language.</p>

<p>Bowdoin, Vassar, Williams, Amherst, Bates, Colby, and plenty of others all fit loosely into your criteria, but really you've got to look at them yourself.</p>

<p>Rhodes, Hamilton, Trinity</p>

<p>Awesome! Thanks so much for your responses. I'm totally collegeboarding some of these right away.</p>

<p>Look at Kenyon (not too much aid available) and Denison (pretty good merit aid).</p>

Lawrence U</p>

<p>I'd be shocked if you didn't get into Carleton.</p>

<p>You oughtn't be, IMO. Admissions these days, as we've witnessed it here, is not nearly so linear. We've a family friend with 2300+ who Carleton waitlisted.</p>

<p>Also there is the "Andison saga" posted elsewhere on CC.</p>

<p>I think OP has an excellent chance. But I think it's wise to be a litle humble at this stage.</p>

<p>If you are looking at Carleton you should also look at Grinnell in Iowa, Lawrence and Beloit in Wisconsin, and Kalamazoo in Michigan. All are fine liberal arts colleges that meet most if not all your criteria, although they are all more like 1500 students than 2000. With your resume you should have a good chance at all of them. You may also want to look at St. Olaf, by the way, which is in the same small Minnesota town as Carleton. It's a real oddity to have two such fine LACs in the same small town.</p>

<p>I agree with the St. Olaf idea. St. Olaf is VERY NICE. And you'd be a standout there. </p>

<p>Also I agree that who knows about Carleton, but you'll get into Macalester. Seriously.</p>

<p>grinnell too</p>

<p>Bowdoin, Colgate, Middlebury, Colby, Bates, Hamilton, Bucknell would all fit pretty well from your criteria.</p>

<p>If you can live without wanting to freeze,shovel,slip and fall,trudge through gray slush while soaking your shoes and socks,ad nauseum.....Davidson would meet all your requirements big time.The mountains aren't that far away.</p>

<p>connecticut college too</p>

<p>Hendrix, Furman, Knox.</p>

<p>Wow, that was way more responses than I expected. You guys are extremely helpful. Thank you all!</p>

<p>Bates, Vassar, and Kalamazoo have good programs and good aid. Ohio Wesleyan may be a fit, also.</p>


<p>Others that meet some of the criteria:
Holy Cross