Looking for college recommendations for my Junior for Computer Science [VA resident, 3.7, top 25%, 1380]

UVA Wise is in southwest Virginia and is different (and less competitive) from UVA Charlottesville. However these two schools do have special agreement relationships. I am not well versed in the details…however you may want to look at those policies and both of their strategic plans which reference strengthening their relationship. My understanding from my child at UVA and other parents is that UVA Charlottesville has offered students on their own waitlist guaranteed transfer admission if they are willing to go to UVA Wise for the first year. (Look up UVA Deferred Student Program under UVA Wise’s high school counselors’ page.) Not bad when you think of the low cost and small class size advantage of what might otherwise be a huge lecture hall and TAs for 100-200 level classes. I believe there is also a path (but I don’t think a guarantee) for students who are admitted to UVA Wise and very successful to transfer to UVA Charlottesville, but maybe it is by program or major.


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