Looking for good school/ Odds of getting in

<p>I am currently a junior in high school, and am in the public safety program at a vocational school. I am undecided for a major, but I'm considering getting a Bachelors in either Anthropology, Chemistry, or Fire science, then going on to get a Masters in forensic science and using whichever degree I got as my concentration. My hope is to work for my local police department for a few years, then hopefully get noticed by the FBI or a forensic lab and getting hired there. Anyways, I have had poor grades my first two years in high school (I got all A's and B's in middle school, but something happened during high school), but now I am at a 3.8 GPA at my vocational school and am top in my forensic class with a 95, all A's on my exams, and I am very active in school clubs/community service.</p>

<p>Are there any colleges that will take a chance on me? I have a 2.1 at my old high school, but have obviously improved. The classes ARE easier for me at the vocational school, but then again, the teachers are extraordinary there. For example, my math teacher does our homework with us, so it's pretty much a guaranteed A, but I am retaining the information more than with my past teachers who make us do it on our own.</p>

<p>Currently I am more interested in pursuing Anthropology, but I think I may try and double major. If you can give me a list of colleges to look at, I would highly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!</p>