Looking for last minute online college

<p>Looking for last minute online college for the spring.
I have found University of Maine, a community college, are there any? I didn't intend to loose any college before this but it just happened so I need to transfer. I am desperate to keep enrollment because I want to keep learning, and my loans could default or I'll have to keep paying them and I can't pay them.</p>

<p>I had a college and can't go back. No one told me what to do when I was supposed to do it. If you know of an online college I can apply to, it's late December, please do. Umass Online has stuff but I don't know where to even apply their online page is so confusing. And Umass Online looks horrible in my opinion. It's so stressful. I can't wait to go back to college next summer or fall. I already was off on a break prior to this. That bachelor's degree seems to get pushed further and further back I don't know if I can ever get it. I don't have $30,000 to keep paying for things.</p>

<p>There are schools an hour up over from where I am, very good ones and ivy leagues, I can't even afford gas and a car to go audit. And you can audit for free even and it would be fine I don't need the credit necessarily. I have been an online student for so long it's too tedious. I am trying to be in an online program one more semester and then by that time I'd hope to have enough money to commute normally.</p>