Looking for schools for a ballerina but interested in engineering [CS, ME, EE; UT resident, 3.5, 35, <$40k]

Can you please suggest schools that are good for CS/Engineering(Electrical/mechanical) that value ballerinas. She is a company dancer but doesn’t want to take dance as a major. Not sure about minor or a club.

GPA is around 3.5, 35 ACT and has some interesting ECs. Cost to limit to under 40k. Any geographical location or school size is okay.


State of residency, other preferences, and whether need based financial aid is likely or possible?

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No need based financial aid. Utah.

Looks like University of Utah has the desired majors and ballet, but only two of the ballet courses are open to non-majors.

Other Utah public universities with the desired majors include USU, UVU, WSU. SUU has CS and ME but not EE.

Being in Utah, you also have access to WUE discounted tuition (1.5 times in-state) at many (not all) public universities in the western region. See https://www.wiche.edu/tuition-savings/wue/wue-savings-finder/?degreetypes=Bachelor's&majors=Computer+Science%2CElectrical+and+Computer+Engineering%2CElectrical+and+Electronics+Engineering%2CMechanical+Engineering (though the search tool here does not seem to be fully accurate in terms of screening for degree levels and majors)

Is she also a very strong student? What about Cornell.

As they state no need based financial aid, Cornell will never come in at their 40k budget. And it’s a big reach for a 3.5 student.


Hmmm…the $40k price limit…I did not notice that.

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This is not my area of expertise, but these are some schools that I would consider:

  • Binghamton (NY): About 14k undergrads, and even has a special section on its admissions page for arts supplements.

  • Cal State: Chico: About 14k undergrads at this residential campus that’s a bargain via WUE.

  • Case Western (OH): About 5800 undergrads

  • Colorado State: About 25k undergrads, and another WUE school

  • Gonzaga (WA): About 5k undergrads

  • Kansas State: About 16k undergrads

  • Loyola Marymount (CA): About 7100 undergrads

  • Miami (OH): About 17k undergrads

  • Ohio Northern: About 2400 undergrads

  • Ohio U.: About 18k undergrads

  • Rochester Institute of Technology (NY): About 14k undergrads

  • Seattle (WA): About 4200 undergrads and there’s also a partnership with the Pacific Northwest Ballet, which might mean additional offerings for top ballet students?

  • Southern Methodist (TX): About 6900 undergrads

  • U. of Cincinnati (OH): About 29k undergrads at this school with a strong co-op culture

  • U. of Hartford (CT): About 4k undergrads

  • U. of Houston (TX): About 39k undergrads

  • U. of Miami (FL): About 12k undergrads

  • U. of Minnesota – Twin Cities: About 36k undergrads

  • U. of Nebraska – Lincoln: About 20k undergrads

  • U. of Nevada – Reno: About 17k undergrads at this WUE school

  • U. of New Mexico: About 16k undergrads at this WUE school

  • Western Michigan: About 15k undergrads

Case Western and Miami Florida would be a stretch on the GPA for engineering but they act might help

Not sure if these will hit for you on cost (apologies if not - I was an international student and my sense of where schools fall on budget for domestic students is pretty limited), but here’s my take on some schools that might be a fit based on my knowledge of the dance landscape as someone who majored in musical theatre and who knew several dance majors, and as someone who continues to work professionally in the arts:

University of Southern Carolina. Strong dance major and minor (minor is auditioned).

Ohio State is worth a look - has a non-auditioned dance minor but houses auditioned BFA and MFA programs in dance and a PhD in Dance Studies (and there are other dance-heavy programs on campus, like their BFA in Musical Theatre) which would mean that the level of dance is high overall. Looks like minors get (some?) priority when registering for both dance lecture and studio classes.

Look into the University of Iowa. Strong auditioned dance minor, and Iowa offers this certificate in Public Digital Arts, which may be of interest to an engineer: Certificate in Public Digital Arts | Public Digital Arts

Virginia Commonwealth is also worth a look.

Elon? I know their dance offerings are strong (auditioned BFA dance program and auditioned BFA musical theatre program - don’t know how difficult it would be for a dance minor to dance with the majors, however) and there is even a BS dance science major, but don’t know if this would be the engineering environment for your D (don’t believe electrical/mechanical are avail there, but CS is IIRC).


My daughter’s freshman roommate at Wyoming was a dance minor, with ballet as her main focus. I don’t know what her major was (not engineering) but she was also in the Honors college. She was a busy girl.

At any school, it is going to be hard to major in engineering and fit in a lot of other classes so doing more than a minor (usually 20 credits) would be difficult. If she’s completed a lot of the required classes (two English classes, a world history are some I can remember), then she’d have more room for electives. A million years ago my brother in law was in engineering at Wyoming and he was also in a performing choir so it can be done.

Wyoming would be well under budget. She’s get some merit money from the Brown&Gold, some from engineering dept, and could try out for a theater and dance scholarship too.

But all that said, I think Utah may have a better program.


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