Looking for suggestions for schools that offer maximum financial aid

Thank you everyone for all the suggestions. It will take us a while to look into all these possibilities. Your advice is very much appreciated


Just catching up on this thread, and I wanted add something about the Texas schools mentioned (Tx Tech and Angelo St). I went to high school in rural West TX and knew tons of kids who went to Tech and a few who went to Angelo. Both schools draw plenty of students from the farms and small towns across sparsely populated West Texas, and OP’s daughter would meet plenty of fellow students who grew up on farms and raised goats/sheep/steers/pigs/etc. In fact, this is probably the majority of kids at Angelo, or close to it; Tech is larger and also draws from suburbs of the big Texas cities as well as from neighboring states, but I doubt it would be hard to find a student that raised goats in either place.

Reading back over the original post, I actually think Tech could be a really good fit if the cost is affordable - strong programs in nutritional sciences and kinesiology/pre-PT (and even a Pre-PT student organization), D1 sports and lots of intramurals, huge variety of social/student life groups, and students from rural areas are not vastly outnumbered as on some campuses. Lubbock isn’t the easiest or cheapest place to reach from out of state, but at least there are lots of short connecting flights from Dallas (45 min flight) and Houston (1:15 flight).


Just for accuracy sake, Eastern University is not within the city of Philadelphia. It is in a western suburb of Philadelphia.


Good observations. I believe San Angelo has direct flights from Dallas. Lubbock is serviced by several airlines including Southwest. At least they used to.

Angelo State is an interesting school. They have a huge endowment and attract a lot of meritorious kids from OOS and internationals as well. The campus culture is quite interesting. I think they have added an ABET accredited engineering program. They have a very strong nursing program too. And yes, you are right, a top notch agriculture/animal health department. OP wants PT type majors and they have kinesiology and health science professions.

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Has anyone mentioned Duquesne, St. Francis, or Chatham? All in Pa and all have direct admit PA schools.

I would be hesitant to not choose a direct admit program if that’s what she wants to do. Direct admit also cuts your time in school down by about a year, which obviously will cut down on costs, too.

They are all on our radar. I was surprised by the number of DPT programs In Pittsburgh. St. Francis is actually only a 40 min drive from us. Many local students go there. It will probably be the first place I take d23 to visit, just to get her feet wet. While it checks most of the boxes, I suspect the cost will be more than we want, but I could be wrong. The other challenge with St Francis is that it is too close to home. You could almost commute if there wasn’t a giant mountain road and winter to contend with. Plus, so many local kids attend there that I get an eye roll when I mention it.

Ah…PT, not PA. Sorry!