Losing at the Ochem lottery

<p>Glad to see the spot in Snowden’s class is gone. I sure hope it went to a CCer. We are still jockeying, so as I see spots open I will update the thread.</p>

<p>Sniner, a BIG Roll Tide…THANK YOU to you…I told my DS about your post and he snagged the spot in Snowden’s class…we’ll keep checking as well…to see if we can help others…
Thanks again!</p>

<p>I, unfortunately, am in the same boat with Leung as my organic professor.</p>

<p>Several of my friends and I are firm in our decision to stay in the class and understand that organic will be tough no matter who the professor is. Those I know who have had Leung either for CH 101 last fall or as a sub in their other chemistry classes have reported that she is very clear and organized. </p>

<p>That said, if your daughter is interested, we will welcome anyone willing to contribute to our study group. Two of us are pre-meds (I, a biology major, another is a psych major,) one pre-dental biology major, and a secondary science education major. Let us know if she doesn’t switch and wants a solid study group!</p>

<p>Also, to the poster who asked about Vincent, I had him for CH 118 last semester. He is enthusiastic and supplements lecture material with plenty of in-class demonstrations. Take him!</p>

<p>The mention of forming study groups is a good one. Also, go to the profs office hours.</p>

<p>For anyone who is taking Ochem (or has a D or S taking it this fall), I HIGHLY recommend the Khan Academy Organic Chem videos. I have been watching each one and taking notes, and I feel A LOT more comfortable with what I’m about to walk into this fall. It’s actually, dare I say, a bit fun. Start with the General Chem review (even if you think you don’t need it) and then work through the videos as listed. I’m about 25% through the course, and I’ve been working pretty diligently, so don’t expect to fly through them.</p>