Lower Tiered UC's

<p>would it be a better choice to go to UCSC or UCR
than to go to Cal Poly Pomona or SJSU
for Electrical Engineering
the programs at the state schools are among the best for state schools
but how do they compare to UCR and UCSC??
Wat would you do??</p>

<p>UCM=pwns them all</p>

<p>Depends. I would do some research on Riverside since they're scheduled to open a medical school in 2012. I've heard that some schools have a certain quota for their own students (apparently Irvine), and I have no idea if thats the case at all, but its something worth exploring. UCSC would definitely be a more solid choice for a liberal artsy lean. I would imagine CP Pomona would be a better choice if you're leaning towards electrical engineering since by far I think thats the strongest one for engineering. (top 20 in engineering schools for schools who don't offer doctorates I think)</p>

<p>Thanks for the quick responses
I would of looked into Merced a bit more but the they only offer the computer aspect of electrical engineering, where as im tending more towards the BS in EE
Just out of curiosity, what would the medical school have anything to do with UCR's engineering department???</p>

<p>^Just brings general prestige to the school, Personally I would choose UCSC, UCR is ranked one of the top schools for unhappy students :-O!</p>

<p>peppers, what do u mean about the med school and quota?</p>

<p>cal poly pomona has an excellent engineering program but in a university that has been on a fifteen year slide downward. so you get a good education at a weaker school. why not look at CPSLO which is better on both fronts? or san jose state which is about as strong on the program level and far better as a comprehensive university, headed upward.</p>

<p>You never specified whether or not EE was the only thing you're aiming for, so I threw out the UCR thing. If its engineering, CPSLO, or probably even SDSU are worth considering.</p>

<p>ya EE is wat i am really aiming for.
I applied to SLO, But i dont have the grades to be a match, so we'll let time see
Thanks for all the replies guys</p>