Lowest scores possible to get in

<p>I want to know what would be the lowest possible scores (including sat, gpa, rank etc) to get into A&M. My scores are not that good but i only applied because i was told that they dont only look at grades. I am extremely involved with tons of AP classes along with 20 hours of work each week. </p>

<p>So what would be lowest possible score with lots of extracurricular to get in??</p>

<p>who knows what the lowest possible scores are. </p>

<p>Why don’t you tell us what your scores are? your class rank? your gpa? etc? I’m sure we don’t know what the absolute lowest scores that can be accepted. However, we have seen score patterns and we can give our opinions. And keep in mind, these are the opinions of people who are not making your admission decision. </p>

<p>I do know that A&M looks for leaders, A&M looks for active in community service, active in school functions, involved students.
A&M also looks for students who have shown interest in A&M by attending functions they provide to high school jr/sr’s, students who have taken official campus tours, & visited prospective student centers.
Lets us know what you are offering to A&M
Also tell us your first choice major.</p>

<p>My first major is communications
GPA: 2.7
SAT: 1430
Rank: barely the bottom half</p>

<p>I am secretary of the national forensic league, have qualed for a national tournament, part of Frisco Football League as a Junior Coach for three years, interned at the Red Cross for 90 hours, tutor after school for an hour at elementary schools, part of the thespian society, had three jobs and currently working 20 hours a week with three promotions, involved in clubs such as interactive, cultural awareness and science. I have lots more but those are the main ones that i use. </p>

<p>I know my scores are not good but i am super involved. Its kinda embarrassing putting my scores up where everyone can see cause it seems like the ones who post their scores are in their top 20% of their class…</p>

<p>break out your math & critical reading scores on SAT.
Have you visited A&M Campus on official visit tour?
Have you attended any camps or events offered by A&M to high school jr/sr’s?
Have you visited your Prospective Student Center?
What have you done to show A&M you are seriously interested in being an Aggie?
With low scores, low class rank, and low gpa - you gotta show interest</p>

<p>What are your plans if you aren’t accepted? There are alternative ways to Texas A&M if you don’t receive the news you want on your initial application. Many students go to Galveston for a year or transfer from Blinn if they aren’t accepted from high school.</p>

<p>Is that 1430 out of 1600 or 2400? If it’s out of 2400, you probably have no shot. If it’s out of 1600, they’ll think you’re smart, but are a slacker because of your GPA-but you will have a chance.</p>

<p>I have attended an A&M meeting at my school, i have made several calls to the campus from more information. I mean i try to show as much interest as i can and that is one thing i have heard about their admissions process. Now i have considered Blinn and heard about Galveston but I dont know much about that process or how that works???</p>

<p>I have had a lot of financial issues in high school so my grades are not as good as they should be with me working so many hours a week so i was only able to take the SAT once and got a 1430 out of 2400, and i was told i was mentally handicapped. </p>

<p>the only reason why i applied is because people said they look at other stuff as well as grades and with my extracurricular i have a chance but now im not too sure</p>

<p>You ought to schedule an appointment with a prospective student center. Meeting an advisor will help you understand the various ways to gain admittance to Texas A&M. I think based on my daughter’s experience that you will have an uphill battle to gain admittance directly into Texas A&M. </p>

<p>She had higher statistics and ranking and test scores and was only offered Blinn TEAM. She was super involved in high school (president of organizations and experiences directly related to her intended major) and had numerous recommendation letters including from her principal of her high school of over 3000 students</p>

<p>However, there are alternative routes that will give you an opportunity to prove you are academically ready based on your college grades and classes. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Izzie, I appreciate your desire to go to A&M. And if that is your dream, take every route available to get there. However, there is some reality in your situation that must be acknowledged.</p>

<p>Your grades and test scores are very low for A&M’s standards. A&M is a very challenging school academically. The hard fact is, your records as they stand now do not show you would be able to be successful in this environment. That is one of the big factors A&M will judge your admissions decision on. It would do you no good to be admitted if you cannot handle the rigors of the classroom. My opinion as a former student and mother of a current student (which is only worth the computer bytes it’s written on) is to try and go to Blinn or Galveston and see if you can handle the minimum grades there to transfer into A&M if you don’t get direct admission. All the work and club experience you have is admirable, but, in the end, won’t help if you can’t make the grades in the classroom.</p>

<p>I don’t know you at all, and you may very well have the ability to come to A&M and perform well, but all I have to go on are the facts you have presented us. I truly wish you the best outcome in this endeavor.</p>

<p>I recently got rejected from UT Austin.
I was in the top 15% now top 12% with an SAT score of 1450. As you can see, I’m not a good test taker. My GPA is a 3.2/4.0. I’m in a ton of extracurricular activities,I spent hours volunteering for children over the summers, I am an intern, and I’m adopted.
I’m praying A&M will take me.</p>

<p>longhorn38… you might change your username!
Why didn’t you try the ACT? They are different test and some who do not do well on SAT do well on ACT.
I’m kinda surprised you are in top 12% with a 3.2/4.0
Extracurricular activities and volunteer hours are good.
best of luck</p>

<p>I don’t know why I didn’t take the ACT instead, but I regret it! I sent in my old ranking to A&M which is 30/191 (Top 15%). NOW I’m 24/191 (Top 12%) but our rankings were not finalized until after the Jan 15th deadline. I heard that you could always retake your SAT/ACT for A&M but I’m not too sure. It’s most likely too late now that letters will go out by next week. I know I’ll be rejected.</p>

<p>If that is so, I really want to take the ACT. I was also told the same thing about if you do bad on the SAT you typically do better of ACT. </p>

<p>Does anyone have any information of transferring to A&M from Galveston?</p>

<p>izziedodat - [Other</a> Pathways to Texas A&M University](<a href=“http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/waysAdmitted/pathways.aspx#Galveston]Other”>http://admissions.tamu.edu/freshmen/gettingin/waysAdmitted/pathways.aspx#Galveston)</p>