LSAT preparation

<p>So what are the best books to study or classes to take to prepare for the LSAT? Are there any that have really helped improve the score 5-10 or more points?</p>

<p>If your cold score, no prep, is 162, can you improve it 10 points?</p>

<p>[Kaplan:</a> Complete Preparation for the LSAT](<a href=“]Kaplan:”></p>

<p>Take your pick! </p>

<p>Personally, I’m going to try the summer intesive program the year before I take the LSAT, then take the Advanced the fall before I take the actual test in Janurary-ish. </p>

<p>But I have to get into college first >.<</p>

<p>^ Kaplan is actually the worst course you could get. No offense kid, but if you aren’t even in college yet and don’t know anything about the law school admissions process, please don’t offer bad advice to people.</p>

<p>Testmasters, Powerscore, and Blueprint are all superior to Kaplan. </p>

<p>A 162 is a decent cold score. I never took a course, but self-studied for a month with old, practice exams. I increased from a 164 to a 169. Courses usually only help people scoring below 160…I would recommend self-study with old, practice exams and the Powerscore Logic Games Bible since you’re starting above 160. (There’s also a Logic Reasoning Bible, and I believe they recently came out with a “Reading Comp Bible”)</p>

<p>My boyfriend studied for one month too and increased from a 165 to a 171.</p>

<p>My brother’s score was 179. 99.8th percentile - crazy!
I THINK he did some light studying a couple weeks before… I’m not sure how this works though, so please enlighten me on the process.</p>

<p>I took the LSAT twice (166/168) and didn’t take a course- probably my biggest regret. I am 99% sure I could have scored 172+ if I had taken a course, since the only section I got more than 1 question wrong on the second time around was logic games (the easiest section to improve on).</p>

<p>TAKE A COURSE! (powerscore I hear is the best). It will in the very least force you to study every day, which is essential. I just didn’t have the discipline to do it on my own.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone. Any other suggestions?</p>