Dear everyone,
A few questions for advice about the LSAT.

  1. Should I wait after BA and take some time off to intern before applying for a HYS school? ( I heard many of them value work experience, and year 1 for Stanford's average age is 25-26. )
  2. If I should, when's a good time to take the LSAT then? If I shouldn't, when's a good time to take the LSAT then?
  3. Is studying during my freshman year advised? ( Usually, people who study for the SAT started really early to get incredibly high scores. [ Usually ] )
  4. Is it okay to study during my rising sophomore year's summer ? ( I know people who can make the jump in three to four months, but what's the disadvantage of starting to study earlier? I believe I can handle it and not burn out by my junior year. )

Any advice is greatly appreciated for a freshman who’s about to start his Spring semester, thank you very much!

D is a sophomore at Notre Dame focusing on law school. Her plans are to attend law school right after undergrad. You might want to take a diagnostic LSAT now. Serious studying can wait until spring of your junior year. An intense 8 to 12 week prep is helpful if you can carve out the time. HYS will probably require a 170 plus LSAT and a very high undergrad GPA, 3.8 or above

yes, after you graduate, its ok, but a waste of time. Focus on A’s; lotsa of 'em