Lucky vs. Grand Central

<p>Hi, I am currently a freshman at UW-Madison and I'm curious to see people's perspectives concerning Lucky and Grand Central. If money is not a key concern, which one is nicer?</p>

<p>Some of the GC floors plans are angular but both are very upscale. Tough choice. Note not much left so you’ll need to decide soon. Also know that 2 other places are under construction to be ready Aug 2013 --X01 and Vantage Point. Both are MPM properties and also very upscale. Google.</p>

<p>Here are my comments on GC:</p>

<li> Poor cell phone reception</li>
<li>Many units have a view of the side of another building</li>
<li>Many units will have an interior bedroom meaning it has no window (not sure how that is legal), which is fine if you don’t mind being confused when you wake up on what time of day or night it is</li>
<li>When $1 or more of rent is late a minute or more, there is a 5% late fee on the entire monthly rent for the whole unit, not just on the late portion</li>
<li>When one person pays his rent late, all roommates are contacted about paying it. You may have to pay your roommate’s late rent to avoid repercussions (co-signer parents are not contacted about late rent).</li>
<li>Watch out for the cleaning charges deducted from your security deposit. You may even get charged ‘by mistake’ for two different cleaning companies each claiming to have cleaned the same things your apartment</li>

<p>Have you considered living in a UW dorm next year?</p>

<p>Mad85 – yikes, my son is renting next year with a bunch of friends in another MPM property. Good to know about the late charge practices. We were planning on auto pay for his share of the rent, but may be worth talking to the students/parents about logistics to avoid late fees etc.</p>

<p>MPM does have online payment for a small fee ($1.50 per transaction). I suggest each roommate pay 1.5 months on August 15 through autopay, and then pay monthly beginning September 1st. This way rent is alway one month ahead so if for some reason one person is late or had insufficient funds, there shouldn’t be an MPM late fee.</p>

<p>MPM is not alone is charging late fees. It’s universal among all Madison property managers. Probably number 1 complaint on review sites is security deposit returns.</p>

<p>Late fees are necessary, but some property managers only charge the percentage on the unpaid portion, not on the entire contracted monthly rent amount.</p>

<p>I was in Madison last week and got to go into Lucky. It was a great place- nice rooms, right next to the market and close to many good restaurants and things like that. I also met numerous football players that live there which was pretty cool too!</p>

<p>I would also consider looking into a dorm for freshman year. They may not be as nice but you can never get the same experience!!</p>