Lumenhaus - Solar Decathlon

<p>"Lumenhaus is Virginia Tech’s 2010 entry to the Solar Decathlon Europe competition. LUMENHAUS delivers a brighter way to live, literally and figuratively."</p>

<p>S2 is interning for an architect who is a VT alumni. He showed this to me today. I thought it was a very neat concept not only in design, but in showing how the school of architecture worked together with several areas of the E-school to achieve this. One of the benefits of having high quality departments with great instructors and resources. I thought I'd share it with you. There is a great video that explains the concept under 'Documentary'. </p>

<p>VT's finest, or some of them!</p>

<p>LUMENHAUS</a>. A brighter way. Everyday.</p>

<p>It really was a unified effort on many fronts. I think even the communications/marketing programs, etc were also a part of the overall entry. All of the students, even the underclassmen, felt a part and had the opportunity to contribute. They may not have had the most important or prestigious jobs (sawing wood, hauling used materials, etc.) but they were able to see how it works up close and the amount of effort it took by all to pull off.<br>
They are pretty proud of that school and its accomplishments.</p>

<p>This is absolutely fascinating! Hats off to all.</p>