Lynn University

I have heard the stereotypes of Lynn University in Boca Raton. It was recommended to me that I apply there. I was looking for some insight on the college.

Our son is finishing up his sophmore year at Lynn University. He has significant learning issues as a result of cancer as an infant. We were attracted to Lynn based on its learning support program (Institute for Acheiving and Learning). We have found the learning support provided at Lynn University to be outstanding. And he is thriving as a hospitality management major. Plus, he really enjoys school (of course being in 75 degrees weather near the beach in the winter doesn’t hurt).

In general, of the approximately 2,500 students, it would appear to us, that most of the students are either in the learning support program, international students or recruited athletes. Most of my son’s friends are either in the learning support program or international. Not sure how much he interacts with any of the athletes. He does attend school sports as a spectator. They have very good teams for Division II.

And most are middle class to wealthy. I consider ourselves upper middle class, and I am a little surprised how much money some of my son’s friends families have. Although some are fairly wealthy, these students (who generally have some need for learning support) tend to be extremely friendly.

If your child needs learning support, I would strongly suggest your child consider attending. I would not suggest that Lynn is the most scholarly university. But I do beleive considering the type of students they have they do a good job of placing their students in jobs. There is a strong emphasis on internships.

In general, we have been very happy with the education our son has received. Lynn has given him a great opportunity to learn and enjoy college. We have noticed a lot of growth in our son in education and maturity. Something, I am not sure he would have obtained at many other schools (especially larger schools).

Happy to respond to any other questions you may have.

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Thank you for your very helpful thoughts on Lynn and the student body it is comprised of. I’m interested in hearing how your son’s junior year went, and any info on the social scene at Lynn, including where they go out at night. Also, do juniors and seniors need to move off campus because housing is only guaranteed the first two years? Hope to hear back from you, thanks!

My son had another very good year. He continues to enjoy Lynn and is on track to graduate next year. As I don’t visit often (we live several states away), I can’t really tell you where they go to out at night. I know there are many restaurants close by, along with the beach.

We were very disappointed to learn that they made juniors and seniors move off campus last year. Apartments are pricey in Boca Raton. When our son originally applied, we were told that they had housing for upper classmen. They now claim that the school is growing too fast to allow upper classmen to live on campus. There is apparently plans to build another dorm, but it will not be build until after my son graduates.