M10 Freakout Thread 2016

join the club! nothing for me either - don’t forget to sign up for USPS as well - they have a similar link

@Rathgar – I spit wine all over my keyboard. That was the funniest post I have read on CC

@hillchoatelville – All the above schools that I mentioned all notified us digitally. Either you had to log-in to their portal (some with special log-in information, some with your regular admissions portal log-in), OR they sent an email that took you to a secure admission/log-in page.

Hard copy letters followed in the snail-mail package, which included re-visit information, the academic school calendar, tuition protection plan information, sometimes swag like stickers, magnets, pillowcases, etc, and most importantly the enrollment contract. The hard copy package took up to 10 days to arrive (we are on West Coast) from some schools; others it was right afterward- M 11 or M 12.

I can’t make this stuff up - shoes! with M10 coming! shows how NOT concerned everyone in my house is about this.

My thoughts are with all of you and let me say… celebrate! You are hungry, you are ambitious! You have accomplished so much! You will continue to make the world a better place, love yourself. High fives all around

UPS Says one package is coming from Amazon tomorrow. So I see that it’s working. But nothing else!

My thanks to @GoatMama for keeping us busy signing up for Fedex, UPS, USPS … I was on a mission for the past hour. Now, back to waiting … How do we possibly get through tomorrow? Maybe I’ll go cold turkey and stay off CC until we receive all decisions on M10 … possible? Yeah, right, I think not …

They need to pay me commission… :smiley: @CLNMOM

@GoatMama, do you raise goats?

I think everyone is crashing the USPS web site… Can’t seem to connect to it.

So if I have nothing coming from Andover, it’s gone? Who else send packages. I got nothing coming in on M10 from UPS, Fedex or USPS.

@CLNMOM Now it was me who spit up wine all over my iPad. No, I don’t raise goats!! I am a research faculty in a university. We have mice, rats, ferrets, and such in our research labs, but no goats, thank God!

@GoatMama, we need all the laughs we can get, right?

Oh yes! @CLNMOM great question btw =D>

One accept, one wait list and giving up on anxiety. I’m too exhausted. Very late on saying congrats @GoatMama! I was off this thread for a day because I was making myself focus & stay busy with other things. Whatever will be will be. What’s not is not meant for D. Is anyone mentally tired and excited all wrapped up together?

Mentally tired and excited, yes. Also I am having mood swings.

I don’t know about Andover admissions packets, but I’ve got a new book coming from Barnes and Noble on M10! This Thursday gonna be littttt

Don’t panic if you signed up with UPS and Fedex and don’t receive a notification. I was actually already signed up for the services pre-M10 and only received advance notice that a package was arriving from 1 school but ended up with 6 acceptances. From what I remember, Andover sends via FedEx and several people reported notification early that a package was sent. DD received decision via email or accessed the portal. Packages with school swag and details arrived up to a week later. Exeter and Cate had great acceptance videos!

https://www.facebook.com/phillipsexeter/videos/10152613604966090/. (*** is f*cebook.com)


who will be on here with me tomorrow at midnight?

@Rathgar Me if I cheese out and don’t go to bed at 7, lol.