M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@blue77skidoo I gave my name and address and also added my daughter’s name (same address). On UPS, you can add multiple names. On FedEx, you can add alternate names.

@Rathgar I don’t know, but if schools use overnight delivery instead of 2-day, packages would be sent tomorrow. Some schools may send them later, too. I’ve only researched the practices used at the schools we applied to.

@GoatMama What did your notification exactly say? Could you tell me where you live?

@Rathgar I don’t think you should assume WL/reject. Packages might be sent via one day shipping or even late.

M10 is so close yet feels like an eternity from now!!! :-SS

I need to add here that ALL the schools we applied to last year: Hill, Choate, Peddie, Loomis, and EHS did NOT send fed ex packages. Email/portal notifications and the. Snail mail packages only.

This was for acceptances

@hillchoatelville I’m staying up too, but I’m gonna go to bed super duper early without doing homework (like 7pm) and waking up at like 3/4am and doing my schoolwork that’s due that morning while I wait for results.

I signed up for USPS too. On that site it states that the Dashboard shows all deliveries to your address. I am unable to figure out how to add another name to FedEx and UPS

thanks @itcannotbetrue - hope rising again!

Ok I added DC to UPS.

@itcannotbetrue how about a letter? Did it come on March 10th?

@GoatMama how do you sign up for it?

Nevermind, sorry @GoatMama

USPS also has Track&Manage you can sign up for. Kids, please note that you may not be able to do that without a parent’s help. All three services - FedEx, UPS, and USPS - require that you verify your identity, which includes questions related to social security numbers, home mortgages, etc.

ha ha - I just got soooo excited - we set up the fedex acct and I saw a pkg listed - finally I looked closely and it is from Kohls - someone in my house ordered shoes! Talk about a let down!

@Rathgar, LOL!

:)) :)) haha

I signed up for both Fedex and UPS. There is no scheduled delivery to my home. What does it mean? Should I start screaming?

Please don’t freak out too much if you don’t have a FedEx package coming! Most schools don’t send their acceptances that way. The biggie for FedEx is Andover. You can basically tell if you were admitted to Andover that way. I can remember waiting and waiting for a FedEx truck on 3/10/14 and it never came. The decision (rejection) was available on the portal at 5:00 that night. That being said, the other schools don’t do it that way. Groton never sent much of a welcome package at all. We received his admit notice via the online portal at 5:00pm. Two days later we received a small package with paperwork including our FA award letter. It was sent via regular US mail and not anything registered or trackable. It was torturous to get the admit info with no FA info!

For some reason, people signing up for UPS/Fedex notifications reminds me of last year when Stanford students found a clause that allowed them to see their application file. While it is interesting and could satisfy curiosity, it could also cause a lot of unnecessary stress.