M10 Freakout Thread 2016

taft releases their decision at 12 am i heard should i wait until i get home from school or open that email up for my decision ??? omfg

@minimalist I applied to Andover, Hotchkiss, Deerfield, and Choate too!

Yay!!! @MAandMEmom I applied there too!

Good luck everyone!! Seems like Andover received the most applicants this year

@MAandMEmom Thank you and CONGRATULATIONSS!!

Just got promoted to junior member lol. Not sure if I should be happy or ashamed

@Anonymousia Thanks; you, too!

@maddiea22 Awesome! Let’s brave through this storm with ice cream and tissues in hand. :slight_smile:

So I just looked at the Fedex notification details and the shipment information was sent to Fedex at 9:38 am and I just saw it at 8:30 pm so there seems to be a huge lag – I’ve been watching it all day and night.

Yay!! Pm me @minimalist

definitely happy @maddiea22
You’re getting addicted to CC!

I know!!! I’ve been a member for a while but only posted my chances once (what a mistake lol). I love it!! @Anonymousia

haha congrats(: @maddiea22

Oh I do. It’s just that it’s sooooo much to wade through.

what are you guys plans on looking at ur decisions? waiting it out, ripping the bandaid at school/work??

Thanks!! @letterofink I’m impressed with myself, I did it all tonight lol

Yes! Ripping the band aid all the way! @coolkb

@coolkb IDK im still deciding… prob will wait until the end of school… you?

We got two fed ex packages today. We live close to the schools so I assume they were meant to be delivered tomorrow.
Wishing everyone out there good luck tomorrow.

Kinda random but I’m wondering if boarding schools are like college in that if you’re accepted and going and then you start getting F’s and drop out of all your ECs will they withdraw your acceptance?

@MAandMEmom congrats on hotchkiss!