M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@skieurope I’m just starting to understand! I can’t keep up, I feel I need to get a pen and paper out to keep track of who’s gotten in where. It will be nice to see it all on the decision thread tomorrow.

Congrats to all that have gotten good news! <:-P

@AppleNotFar What’s the decision thread??



Good luck to everyone tomorrow!!

On behalf of all families who have been through a March 10th and thankfully don’t have to endure the stress of waiting for results this year, I’m sending you wishes for more cheers than tears in your households. If the results aren’t what you hoped for I hope you’ll keep your head high and support each other through the inevitable disappointment. If you get good news, celebrate! Either way you’ve all earned a big fat ice cream sundae. :slight_smile:

Anybody out there have any packages from Andover or Deerfield?

This is our second M10. Last year we aimed real high and got all wait lists. So far this year 2 for 2

Miss Porter’s rejected daughter an hour ago. I will hold it until she gets an acceptance or asks first. She is in front of me studying for tomorrow’s physics midterm - projectile, tension and friction. I don’t want to ruin that fun.

I heard Taft is at midnight so I am staying up. Otherwise I hope schools send emails as well as fedex packages as I am working tomorrow.

What are the schools @daddymac1772 ? I am not waiting for any results this year but can still feel the anxiety you all are going through… was there last year !!! Good luck to all applicants. I am sure I can say this on behalf of all the parents who have experienced M10 that we are sending you all positive vibes. No matter what the results are, hard work never goes in vain… keep the positive attitude and things will fall into right places.

@SculptorDad, I’m sorry to hear the news. It must be hard holding that information. But it ain’t over until it’s over … at least you got the bad over with; hoping for the best on the rest for your DD!

NMH announced on M8. Middlesex tonight

I heard early from Kent and Cheshire today. I was accepted into both.

@pirlotottiitaly Which do you prefer??

@SculptorDad I feel your pain. My D got waitlisted at her top choice. When I told her she was quiet for about 40 min. Went away shed some liquid relief and came back saying “alright where’s the email to type a cordial response?” She is still hurt but she has gotten an additional acceptance (2 now) and one rejection. She is taking it better than me. It’s harder when it feels like a match made in heaven and you are shocked and feel like a jilted lover, rather than having a more realistic expectation. We have learned a lot and grown a lot too. I could not be prouder.

@Center I love Kent, the only one I might take over it is Taft.

@pirlotottiitaly . Kent is a great school. Taft too. Kent maybe a tad more laid back. Taft more super jock? Both terrific schools. Congrats.

Taft has an extremely strong Science Olympiad team, and congratulations, @pirlotottiitaly !

I loved Taft also. Our tour wasn’t very good but the campus is amazing. We would definitely have to revisit if accepted

@Anonymousia Nope. Because the FedEx website’s tracking system is down. The polite lady on the phone said it should be fixed by tomorrow morning. No idea until then tho

We’ll get our results tomorrow morning, anyways. I don’t think we have to inundate FedEx with frantic calls tomorrow.