M10 Freakout Thread 2016

@PrepEnthusiast . That’s quite a list! Good luck. We have a similar list.

@26443586 I’m pretty sure Milton does it by letter based on past threads

I’m assuming I got into Hotchkiss due to the lack of the traditional M9 alumni “Courtesy Call”! :smiley: My mother received a phone call early in the morning (around 9am) last year when I got waitlisted, but no such thing this year! Hopefully, it’s a sign of good things…

Waiting for Deerfield, anyone have any ideas as to when in the admissions window the emails will be sent?

@PrepEnthusiast thanks! seeing that some schools still do only letters and no emails really stresses me out since i dont trust the mail!!! hahaha plus getting it be email would be so much faster and more convenient!

@26443586 Yeah, I wish they would send an email and then a letter/package

@junemaybees Sounds hopeful!

(Officially March 10th!)

@PrepEnthusiast what grade are you applying to? and yeah it’s always interesting reading what the schools send in their “welcome” packages (like green and white m&m’s from deerfield supposedly)

@26443586 9th. Currently in 8th. I love the idea of packages; the only downside is the fact that if you don’t get in, the package doesn’t exist :frowning:

Anyone get FedEx notifications on Andover?


@junemaybees howd you check the fedex thing?

@junemaybees I’m not checking.

DD got in at Peddie as well. Good night everyone.

Night guys! Looking forward to 4.5 hours of sleep before the 6AM notifications are out!

@junemaybees I don’t think Andover’s FedEx is able to be tracked or they sent them out too late since I have seen a lot of people calling FedEx to no avail.

1 hour and 20 minutes until Cate comes

Hey to all of you who are still awake anxiously waiting for news from all the schools you applied to! Just wanted to say good luck and congratulations! I went through this same process last year and it is extremely nerve racking. Just remember that even if you do not get into some of the schools you applied to, do not give up, allow this to be a positive learning experience, and congratulate yourselves because you have the courage to put yourself out there like this 4 years or so older than normal. Best of luck!

@SculptorDad, good luck with Cate! Pulling for your dd!