M10 Freakout Thread 2016

I don’t have anything yet from Milton and it’s Friday. One might think it’s rather unkind to use a slower communication method for rejects than accepts.

@SculptorDad I think a call would be in order.

@dowzerw, Thanks. It seems their office is closed though.

I agree @SculptorDad that its not a good way to do things. Andover used to do it that way as well and I never understood it. It doesn’t seem kind. I think the best way is email or online notification, preferably at a time when students are likely to be home with their parents (not in the middle of the school day!).

Well, yeah, now it is, but in a perfect world… Waiting until next week will prob feel as good as sticking a needle in your eye. @SculptorDad Hopefully the mailman/FedEx woman/whoever will find you tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

@dowzerw, FedEx just came but with a different package. We will see what happens tomorrow. Thanks.

Ugh. Will continue to root for you.

We got fedex yesterday (out of state) and email today from Milton. Wish I had better news from you, @SculptorDad

@Shazam777 same here…

I used to make those calls. Nice touch, but just yield protection.

Anyone wanna talk about Kent School in messaging?

I hope they didn’t misplace dd’s application :frowning:

“We have now had a few schools call our home to personally congratulate my daughter which I think is a really nice touch. Just shows which schools really want her there.”

That is great for your daughter but also a curiosity to me as I don’t know that everyone has that experience. She must be especially awesome.

Lots of calls and emails from coaches here.

So if Andover says “given the strength of your candidacy we have decided to postpone final action on your application… we have placed your name on our waiting list…we sincerely hope you will elect to remain on our waiting list”
Does that mean anything special ? Or is it the same text sent to all who were wait listed by PA ?
Should we pin any hopes on that ?

Sorry @Laila11877 that’s the same one we got and is likely the stock message:(.

We got our Milton letter inviting us to be on the waitlist. It was USPS.

We got the same Andover Waitlist letter, alas.

Does anyone know how many kids might be on the Andover waitlist? I read a post from 2009 that is was 50 for the freshman class.

So I’d like to get people’s thoughts on the schools my dd got into, especially Milton. I’d love to hear from parents there too. Are there threads on this board? Not sure where to look. Thanks.