M10 Freakout Thread 2016

Anyone confirming staying on PA WL and also going after schools that still gave openings for fall 2016? SSAT.org says Mercersberg ,Kent ,Blair and others have openings.
Has anyone gone through a late Application process ? What’s it like.?

I am also still waiting to hear from Milton. I noticed that most people got their answer yesterday (accept/waitlist/rejection). Any insight would be great!

My DD Will stay on the Andover wait list for now. I don’t think they go to it very often.

Just an observation here: DD feels blessed with 6 out of 7 acceptances; however, her single wait list at Andover was the only place where she didn’t actually interview with someone from the Admissions team. Not sure if that played a part during their committee process. Food for thought…

@dowzerw that is painful. I have a friend who had all WL with her children, still hoping something materializes.

@Laila11877 how certain are you that SSAT.org is updated and where did you look? Only wondering because I know some who have been waitlisted with Blair. Also I know that there are people who started the process late and worked quickly to be given acceptance before summer and others who did not get in until the day before classes. If late Aps are accepted then it’s still possible!

I learned about it from a thread here. It says the SAT list is continuously updated. Thacher was there yesyerday but not there an hour ago. I intend to submit to Mercersberg and another school. I also confirmed to Andover that my daughter wants to remain on their WL. Confirmed the same to Deerfield as well.

I sent an inquiry late yesterday to Mercersberg for fall 2016 application and an automated email came back saying they welcome my daughter’s application and waiting to know more about her .

@Laila11877 Thanks for the info. It gets a bit confusing when my perception of a great candidate got waitlisted at a school that says they are still looking for candidates. But who knows maybe they did not interview well. So many factors and unknowns to consider.

We are late applicants to Mercersburg, we started the process at the beginning of February. They hurried us through the process and if my son had taken the SSAT we would have heard yesterday. Alas, he took it last Saturday and they are waiting for scores to come back before we get a decision. If you are interested you should call admissions, they are amazing people. Also, the campus is gorgeous and everyone there is very very nice. We were quite impressed with the whole package.

We will start the application process from the beginning now. Except her SSAT and TOEFL scores are ready as well as the recommendations and school report . Interview remains. I hope this works.

@SculptorDad, Last year, DD1 got her waitlist letter from Milton on March 12th or 13th, USPS. DD2 has not yet received her decision letter/package from Milton this year. We live in MA, applying day.

My dd got her Milton acceptance yesterday via Fedex. The rest is sent regular mail I believe.

I might be repeating myself but in my experience, Milton sends Orange Envelopes by USPS to local candidates and by FedEx to out of state candidates. Don’t lose hope yet. @shazam777 are you in state? which grade did you apply for?

It is now amazing that after 6 months or so of working on our end to kiss the a$$ of these schools, they now have to woo US on revisit days. That will be an amazing feeling. After selling ourselves we now get to be sold.
We have now had a few schools call our home to personally congratulate my daughter which I think is a really nice touch. Just shows which schools really want her there. I personally loved the call from Middlesex as that is our 1 or 2.
For those who did not get the results you wanted, keep your head up. We were not successful last year in our top choices and decided to re-apply this year for tenth instead of taking a spot in another school where we weren’t thrilled. We are blessed that it worked out. Now comes the clash with the kiddo about where to go!!!

So Cranbrook is a yes! Does anyone have first hand experience with this school? May start a Peddie or Cranbrook thread. Any insight please…?

@CaringMom11 I wonder if Milton sends the acceptances by Fedex to even the local candidates, and the WL and Rejects by USPS? I heard yesterday someone say they got an email from Milton.

@Curious2016 I am not sure, may be email for international students, but the students I know (and my personal exp), they notify by FedEx and USPS (at least they did last year) could have changed this year…

Milton: Is there anyone from Massachusetts that received acceptances via USPS?

Ours was via fedex and we’re in Massachusetts

@usastudent101 . You don’t know me, but I’m revisiting the site after a lengthy absence. In no way are you stupid for having dreams and goals, and for setting your bar high. Dream on, and always aim high! The application process is grueling, and the decisions sometimes painful, but you have had to search within yourself to determine what makes you unique and worthy of consideration. No shortsightedness on the part of schools changes what you have discovered and learned about yourself, and what you can work on polishing, before the next (grueling) round of college apps. In fact, you are so much more prepared to apply to college than the average high schooler, because you went through this experience. You said you are not an athlete, but there is an expression in racing events that describes how those who ‘did not finish’ are streets ahead of those who did not start. Remember that. After the initial hurt goes away, you’ll find that, in reality, you have lost nothing, but gained a great deal. Throw yourself into the rest of the school year, and the next, and aim high when you apply to college. Aim at all other levels as well, as a plan B. In the long run, it won’t matter nearly as much as it feels that it will today. Best of luck.