M10 Freakout Thread 2017

CONGRATULATIONS!!! @Nico.campbell, @IVYGAL2019, and @sciguy656 !!! <:-P So happy for you! :D/

Lol @booksandfries I just woke up and all my decisions will be in the evening and night… So not a problem for me :wink:

Hey, this may be true, but you do have a longer wait. @Atria :))

I’m still awake cause I have 2 big tests and a project due tommorow

:-SS @booksandfries
I just hope today isn’t repeat of last year… Sigh… But I have reason to believe it might be :((

Ughhh whyyy I need decisions coming in no matter what kind of decisions they are

I can’t even take the pressure rn. What happened last year again? Sorry to ask. @Atria

Lol @booksandfries
There is a reason I am a re-applicant :wink: Emphasis on the ‘re’… :wink:
Wait lists and a rejection last year from BS…
Acceptances only came from a day school I had to decline due to my family moving internationally…
I have a feeling that the exact same thing is going to happen this year… Bad news from all BS and good news from Prep school (which I am not even sure I can attend)… Sigh…

Kent and Putney Accepted!!

BTW i suggest you guys watch acceptance-short film on youtube. Its good for relieving stress and relatable.

You will be fine, doing the process two times gives you an advantage. Plus it has to work out somehow right? @Atria
Nice job!!! Kent and Putney, both outstanding schools!! @Deejung

The CC Community is cheering for everyone this M10 2017. I’m singing off rn, but I’ll be back in about three hours!! Good luck to everybody, and nice job for all the tears, rough drafts, tutor sessions, all nighters, sugar highs, sugar crashes, breakdowns, countdowns, and hard work. If anything we all deserve to get into at least one right? :wink:

Peddie’s email is out!

exeter is in about 30 minutes!

God, this FA wait is killing me. I don’t even know if I’ll get it today, and I have to wait until 3pm to even have the opportunity to check it.

how did you do @jc570109 ?

Less than 20 min until Exeter’s decision…

Lol not that anxious about Exeter, pretty sure its not an acceptance :frowning:
Sigh… can they all come at once… The hours in between are going to kill me…

@Atria good luck :slight_smile:

Interesting, after A10 the schools send surveys about the admissions process and I don’t recall a question on any of them about how decisions are released. I’m curious how each school decides.

Peddie accepted @Atria