M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@worriedaboutprepschool No, just Exeter for me (which I’m really regretting in hindsight!) If this year’s decision goes as I’m expecting it to – a rejection – I’m for sure applying for many more schools next year.

@Ac0309 I wouldn’t worry I haven’t heard anything either

Just wait listed at Berkshire

Anyone else having a hard time keeping breakfast down?

@gleedodo i haven’t had breakfast yet lol

I just got into exeter!!!

@happypenguin congrats!!!

@happypenguin Oh my gosh congratulations!!!

Congratulations @happypenguin

dang exeter still hasn’t come for me… it’s already 6:53am like what

same @livesk8dream


I’m dying… Two rejections already. Kind of feel terrible. ~X(

Milton is almost out (4min !)… I’m thinking : wait list… sigh

The more I wait the more I have a feeling I’m not going to get a very good email :frowning:

sammmmmmeeee @gleedodo
Though I didn’t have a good feeling from the start :wink:

i got waitlisted to Exeter along with 2 of my friends :frowning:

WL at Milton…
I swear this is exactly like M10 last year…

Just got waitlisted at exeter…

WL at Exeter too