M10 Freakout Thread 2017

@jkookie I think he had 95 ish percentile, but idk about essays or interviews… maybe that was it :-?

@ivyprincess1 probably about april 1 i think maybe earlier

don’t at least you got into choate! @Nico.campbell

@gogroton2016 Hey, I am also an international applicant, and many of my friends at my international school are pretty “amazing”.

They have all achieved numerous accolades regarding music, academics, and athletics. The majority of them have 99% SSAT’s and high grades.

The number of applicants outside America has risen significantly and there are only a limited number of spots. I personally expected them to have been accepted by numerous schools, but they were pretty much all waitlisted. I think they would’ve stood a chance if they had been considered non-International applicants.

Did anyone receive a package yet? Please answer asap if you did or if you were accepted into Deerfield.

@booksandfries I guess that we’re rivals now if you’re going to Deerfield :wink:

@mtmtmt1227 10th grade female for loomis, full pay - if that helps.

Lol ikr! hope to see you at games and tournaments if I end up going! @Nico.campbell

I didn’t post due to how upset I was, but I was waitlisted at both EW and Madeira. Today I found out I was pulled off the waitlist at Madeira (with aid) and will be attending this fall!! Congrats to everyone who was accepted and to those rejected or waitlisted remember that bs doesn’t define you as a student.

congrats @twentyscholar ! best wishes to you <:-P

Congrats @twentyscholar !! :-bd

Congrats!! Have a fiend who went there & she had amazing internships via Madeira!!

Congrats @twentyscholar!

yay! @twentyscholar

Thank you so much!! I know your decisions are probably posted somewhere in the thread, but seeing its 80 pages what schools are you guys attending? On March 10th I thought that my life was OVER, but I realized that regardless of where I went, I would have to take the best out of the whole experience. So, whatever your school you guys will do great :slight_smile: At least you were brave enough to put yourself out there

I think that I am leaning towards Choate and Middlesex, but NMH has been SO kind to me! I hope that you have a great time at Madeira!!

I’m just a parent, not as lucky as all of you!

Wooohooo @twentyscholar ! So happy for you! <:-P
Still deciding but I will probably be attending MX…

@Atria there’s a super cool video of all of the MX dorms on their YouTube… I watched it last night :slight_smile:

Yes! I saw it too… They sent out an email as well… All the dorms were sooo pretty :smiley: