M10 Freakout Thread 2017

Update: I’m kinda crying right now-- not because of the rejections, but because of the amazing support I’ve been getting from all of you and my friends/family. Amazing. Thank you all.

@HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 you did a great job! I’m always here if you wanna rant :stuck_out_tongue:

@Nico.Campbell Thank you :slight_smile:

Stay strong! You are AMAZING!

@Atria Thank you!!!

Just “refused offer” from loomis - that will free one spot for ones who need them. Full pay though.

Who has been accepted into Andover this year?

I’m not even sure why I’m telling you all this, but I hope it does encourage and comfort for some of you.

My mom is overseas right now so she is unable to physically comfort me, but just sent me a famous Chinese idiom and explained it to me (because my Chinese is not very good X)). She said it means "When you feel shame for not doing something well, you decide to work hard(either continue to work hard or work hard because of it). I take this as a more reformed meaning of “Keep working hard, even after failure.”

She then messaged me and said “Turn the disappointment into power of self-innovation!” (^_^)

I remember that my health teacher once told us a story about Steven Spielburg (I’m 89% sure it was on him), and how he hung rejection letters on his wall. Soon, the nail that was holding all of the rejection letters fell off due to the weight, so he had to continuously replace it with something stronger as the rejection letters continued to come. I remember her telling us about his perseverance for his love: filmmaking. He was turned away by so many, and I don’t believe I need to explain how successful he is now. (He’s really successful). All because he never gave up. I’m not sure why, but this story was stuck in my mind throughout the wait for M10, and today, M10.

I guess what I’m trying to say is to not give up now, and that @/AppleNotFar’s profile picture is right. The best is yet to come. Whether that’s BS for all you amazing accepted ones, or something unknown in your future for all you wonderful applicants who were WListed/rejected.

(Just saying, this took me all day to accept, so if you’re not feeling okay right now, be assured that you will soon. )

Everyone here is absolutely exemplary. I didn’t get exactly the results I was looking for either, but I think I’ll be able to find happiness regardless. Your value is not dependent on anyone else’s ability to recognize it. The same motivation that brought us all to this point will lend itself to incredible success in the future. Best wishes to all. :slight_smile:

You have an amazing mom. She is right, and you will shine!

What grade did you apply for??

@HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 right on! For everyone who applied and cared about the outcome, today marks a big change and signals new opportunity regardless of the admissions outcome. This is a remarkable bunch of kids and the best is yet to come :). Go get 'em!!!

@Goatmama I know :wink: and Aww Thank you!! I will tell her you said that :slight_smile: She will be very happy.

A lot of international students didn’t fare well for admission this year… anybody have any speculation why? I have a very well-qualified friend who’s basically a genius… he had a sibling at PEA but just got flat out rejected not to say he’s one of the best debaters and tennis players I’ve ever seen…

Is it just that this year it was extremely competitive? I’ve heard that this year’s eight grade population is significantly higher than past years…

Oh well I’m not blaming my admissions decisions on anything. Congratulations to all those who were accepted, and to those that were wait-listed, good luck!

Thanks CC for being there with me! You guys are the best, and I wish all of you luck in the future, wherever this path called life may take us.

okay @HhopefulFforSsuccess2021 i think that was one of the most inspirational things ever so thank you so much for that, i know we all needed that.

second @gogroton2016 i understand how you feel. i am so so very sorry you didn’t get accepted but promise me you will not be too upset bc everything works out for a reason. i didn’t get into my first choice.

@Atria GO MIDDLESEX!!! I got wait listed.

@msvmp27 thanks for telling us!!!

and everyone! i hope we continue our journey together, even those who end up going to day schools. because these were some of the most nervous and terrifying days ever, and everyone was talking and going through it almost right next to me. so i hope those who got in to boarding school will message me about bedding and classes and rival games and the ones who get into day tell me all about their decorated lockers and amazing lunches (let’s all be honest about bs lunch) and the great friends. thanks!!! :slight_smile:

Also, not to say the schools i did get into aren’t amazing but i really liked others too and a lot of them i got rejected or WL.

I got into 4 HADES Schools and waitlisted at 1 but I’m not mad about the waitlist because it was my safety school and my least favorite. Congrats to alL!

@gogroton2016 Hey… I am an international student with all A’s, great EC’s, great (I think) recommendation letters, great interview with PEA, and the essays were good too… AND I GOT REJECTED!!! I felt really sad and told my parents that I would get the actual decision until March 15 so I could have some processing time, but I feel that I should have gotten in! UGH!

@gogroton2016 I’m not so sure. I heard that this year, Exeter experienced a 7% increase in the number of applications they received, so that probably contributes to why it was much more competitive. I’m an international student, but I actually got accepted to PEA this year… After hearing how your friend performs, it almost seems like I don’t deserve being accepted, haha >.> But then again, your friend might not have done well in their interview, essays, or the SSAT? It’s hard to tell why they got rejected from their tennis and debate skills alone :confused:

I feel really stupid because I got into other great schools but I can’t help but be bummed about being waitlisted at Andover… :-?