MA in Economics

<p>Dear friends,
I have been admitted to MA in Economics at Vanderbilt University(30% Scholarship), Univ. of California Santa Barbara and American University Washington DC. Can anyone give suggestions as to which university program should I join?</p>

<p>Are there enough decent jobs for international students after completing MA in Economics? Is it really worth doing MA in Econ from US or should I pursue it in India?</p>

<p>I am currently a final semester student from ISM Dhanbad (Electronics Engineering), and have landed a job at IBM-GBS Bangalore. Though I am currently not interested in doing a job, irrespective of that can anyone suggest what should I do?</p>

<p>I would go to either Vandy or American. I think Vandy is better known but proximity to DC is a factor that favors American. I know nothing about job prospects.</p>

<p>Why do you to want change your field of study? Isn’t it unusual to go from electronics to economics?</p>

<p>Vanderbilt, much bigger name than the ones you mentioned. Of course this is assuming you’re going for the actual education. I doubt networking at Vandy’s that great being in the middle of Corn fields.</p>