mac in business school

<p>do most people use macs in business schools? im looking into majoring in accounting. what are some problems you will have in classes for accounting if you use mac?</p>

<p>I did it for two years and I would definitely advise against it, everyone uses pc’s. You’ll be using excel as a acc/fin major and there are different versions for mac and pc. You can do the same things in both versions but the way you go about it will be different. Meaning if you learn something in class on a pc, you won’t be able to do it exactly the same on your mac. You’ll have to figure out the process for yourself.</p>

<p>Alot of professors ask for the actual excel file and not a printout so they might have trouble opening it if it’s a mac file. Now that Office '11 came out for mac it isn’t such a big deal anymore, but they may still have trouble.</p>

<p>I’ve never had a problem with it but I’m going to have to replace the mac with a pc before I go back to school</p>