<p>Hello. I start as a freshman this fall in the Orfalea Business School. I am in the process of purchasing a lap top computer. Does it matter whether it is a MAC or PC? I have heard that Cal Poly University Store has an Apple support center in it. Is this true?</p>
<p>I would just get a PC - you can get something with really good specs for the same price or less than a MacBook. There are very few departments that require/strongly recommend one or the other; I’m a Graphic Communication senior, and I’ve gotten along just fine with a PC when almost everyone else uses a Mac. And in those rare situations where you might need some software or utility that is Mac-exclusive, there are plenty of on-campus computers available, mainly in Kennedy Library.</p>
<p>And yes, the bookstore does have Apple support, to answer that question.</p>
<p>Either is fine. Get the format you’re more comfortable with.</p>