Mac or Windows laptop?

My daughter will be a freshman biomedial engineering major at GT in August and we’re laptop shopping. Is there any advantage/disadvantage to a Mac or Windows laptop? The GT bookstore sells Mac, Lenovo and Dell. We’d like to buy it there in case she has any issues with it and they really push the Macs. I know that Windows can be installed on a Mac and GT has a setup that they can run any specialized software that may be necessary on a remote computer using Citrix. Daughter only has experience running Windows machines. Any advice would be appreciated.

You’ll be fine with either. It’s worth noting, however, that citrix absolutely sucks and should only be used as a last resort. I’ve found it much easier to just use a desktop (which are everywhere on campus) for anything that requires a specific program.

Is there a preference for Scheller business students? Some say that Windows is what businesses in the “real world” use, so Windows is preferable, but others say Mac is better because of the software. Is there any validity to those assumptions?

Government and business do use Windows more than Macs but its getting to be personal preference as time goes on. Its easy to switch between them. Macs used to get less viruses, because of the structure of the operating system. (I am not a CS person so this may be over simplified ) Macs have LINUX underneath the regular OS , I think. That makes them easier to debug but really its a personal preference. I don’t know which is more reliable, look that up on the internet, as Mac reliability is now a tad lower than it used to be, and solid state disk drives and the older magnetic disc drives, if anyone even uses them anymore, seem to fail in Macs as much as they do in PCs. The disc drive is a third party piece of hardware inside the computer. (Seagate or WD for magnetic, or a few other vendors for Flash).